Hello, we are creating emails fully built with tokens. I want to reference the email in smart campaigns that live outside those email programs. Is this possible?The email will live...
Thanks for the reply, so outputting the full link will enable tracking? I tried that and don't see on lead record or report.#if($lead.Language=="English")#set($ctalink="https://tes...
Hello,I am trying to set a URL in velocity script based on lead data. I do not want to pass any CTA copy in the velocity, how can I set URLs without putting the URLs in a tags? We ...
For the way our tracking is setup, if the link is coming through velocity script, the link is not tracked. Is there anyway I can keep the https:// outside of the velocity script? O...
Thanks so much! And does sending a tracking URL through velocity script break the tracking at all?And is there a way to make the velocity script output as text instead of URL? When...
Thanks for the reply, yes testing with "real" emails as samples.Would I be able to printhttps://$link via velocity script?Or how could I keep the a tags outside of velocity
Hello, I am using velocity script to set a link based on lead language, I have a series of 12 if/then statements.The velocity script is working fine during previews in marketo, but...
We use excel since we are writing 100+ if/then statements which can be automated via excel.Every time I paste into velocity, I have to drag the fields from the right side into my s...
We are building out velocity scripts in excel and need to copy them into velocity script within Marketo. When copying from excel to marketo, we need to remap everything my dragging...