We are excited to announce an updated theme and re-branding throughout Marketo ToutApp. Starting next week (week of March 5th), you will see a new purple theme in the product and updated text in the UI once you login. Even with this new branding, all of your existing ToutApp features and functionality will not change - everything stays the same.
Why is Marketo ToutApp purple?
Marketo acquired ToutApp last year, and since then we’ve brought it into our product family. This is why we’re honoring standard Marketo purple colors and themes (instead of the original ToutApp blue) throughout the product.
Why am I seeing the Marketo logo in the application?
In addition to the purple theme, you’ll notice a the Marketo logo in the product to represent how ToutApp is part of the Marketo product suite.
Why can I no longer “Tout” anything? Why have the buttons and pop-up names changed?
You can still send emails and have them be tracked. Instead of “Tout it” you’ll see a new text called “Track it”. It will function the same as before! New text and messages in the product is an extension of our re-branding effort.