How to Create a Salesforce Priority Call Report With Tout Data

Learn how to create a Salesforce report/call list using ToutApp email engagement data to focus your time on the people or opportunities with momentum.

STEP 1: Go to SFDC Report Tab


STEP 2: Create a Report with ‘Tasks and Events’

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STEP 3: Set your filters and choose a date range

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STEP 4: Drag ToutApp data into your columns by typing Tout into the field search. Once you add Tout data add a Column for Phone number so you can take action on this report and use it as a call list.


STEP 5: Run the report and sort by Tout Events Tracked. This will bubble up the people with the most activity on your emails. Make sure you either have a next steps planned with these top people or make them a priority that day. There is likely momentum with a high number.


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