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Ardath Albee, B2B Marketing Strategist Marketing Interactions, Inc, presentation from Marketo Summit 2015
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Christian Martinez​ provided these: Alt + D = Design Studio Alt + L = Lead Database Alt + M = Marketing Activities Ctrl + Z + T = Open the last close tab... it helps a lot Any others?
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INDUSTRY NEWS Mobile In Mind: Thoughts on the Present and Future of Mobile Marketing Forbes Across all industries, brands are spending more time on researching and implementing mobile marketing strategies. From mobile advertising and mobile wallets to mobile sales mechanisms and reward-based mobile advertising, executives are realizing the current benefits and planning for the future opportunities mobile has in store. Interestingly, researchers have estimated that consumers interact with their mobile devices over 100 times a day. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to determine at what point during these interactions is the consumer most likely to engage with mobile advertising. Internet of Things Data Could Fuel Ad Targeting Ad Age IOT has promised to turn people’s everyday interactions with everyday items into data for logistical and marketing applications. The industry is approaching the next stage of connected appliances and food packaging. This means marketers need to figure out where all this information will go and how it will be used. Marketers Should Use Data to Build Trust with Customers, Says Report by EY and Forbes Insights Forbes Customers have more information available than ever before to assist them in their buying decisions, and winning customer loyalty has become an increasing challenge for companies. Less than a third of CMOs and marketing executives fully understand where trust is eroded. In fact, 51 percent of executives believe that there is a significant opportunity in the use of analytics for customer insight and in expanding the use of external data sources. However, only 37% say they have the capability to use analytics to tailor communications and outreach to the customer. This is a low number considering that many marketing executives see personalization as the next big trend in marketing. Age of the Data-Devoted Marketer Information Age Big data is disrupting the way marketers understand and interact with their audience. However, while analytics will help to identify targets, and understand customers, it must never be at the expense of creativity. This means having the ability to act intuitively and not necessarily because it’s laser-targeted at a key audience. The article highlights that in order to be successful today, marketers must wear many different hats. This means that they are analytical and data-driven, while having a strong grasp of brand, storytelling and experiential marketing.
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Once a week or so , we will try and share 'what's in the news' about Marketing Automation, Digital Marketing and Engagement Marketing... Maybe even Big Data too. How Marketers Can Seize the Mobile Moment CIO A new report by Forrester says marketers and advertisers cannot afford to shun mobile. People are consuming mobile content more than ever. However, only two percent of online shoppers want to see offers from brands on their mobile devices. One of the mistakes marketers make is delivering content that markets products. The smartphone is very personal, and mobile users don't want to turn their device into a billboard for advertisers. Marketers who don't heed this advice are doomed to get abysmal conversion rates. How to Create a Data-Driven Marketing Team Computer World To succeed as a data ready enterprise, companies are faced with the imperative of building a data-driven marketing team that can put massive amounts of data to work. Interestingly, the biggest obstacle to creating a data-driven culture is a lack of leadership. Most people are afraid of data and are afraid of being involved in situations where they don’t know the numbers and don’t understand how the data represents their business. 80 Percent of Marketers Will Increase Digital Budgets in the Year Ahead Direct Marketing News According to the Direct Marketing Association’s “2015 Statistical Fact Book,” four out of five marketers will increase their spend on digital this year and 45 percent will focus on social media marketing as their biggest area of opportunity. Email marketing came in second as it was seen as continuing to deliver exceptional ROI because people continued to respond positively to the commercial messages that reached their inboxes. Most importantly, 77 percent of respondents said they'd likely buy more if their mail was personalized, and 69 percent said they were willing to share more personal information in return for that relevancy.
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Posting for ​ From Summit, I made a blog post from my notes on one of the sessions. Check out the full post here: 3 Reasons for Engagement Marketing Here's the short version, though: Reason #1: Building Your Brand This is an easy one. Engaging with your leads and prospects with useful content establishes credibility for your brand. Being informative, useful, and empathetic does much more for your brand than the shotgun blast that takes lazy aim at a large list with single-target messaging. Instead, the hands-off approach builds credibility for your brand and practically guarantees good vibrations with your prospects right from the start. This harkens back to one of the most basic human characteristics: we like people that like us. Reason #2: Building Relationships with Your Leads All of the above is backstory to this central idea: Engagement Marketing helps you build effective relationships with potential customers at any stage of their buying journey. If they’re teetering on the edge of the top of your funnel, push them over the edge by serving up information that’s useful to them. Use a light touch– they’re not ready for late-stage sales messages yet. Set up some triggers to track how they interact with your emails and website so that when they exhibit further signs of interest, they’re automatically embraced into the next level of your relationship. To illustrate this point, think of the last time you met a good friend for the first time. Did they drone on and on endlessly about themselves, or show interest in your interests, needs, and desires? I’m betting on the latter. Now think about all the shenanigans and high jinks you’ve gotten into with that friend. Kind of worth it, right? Reason #3: Engagement Programs Curtail The Sales Cycle Like I said above, I work with a fairly long sales cycle. I read a recent statistic from an IDG study that claimed most B2B purchase decisions involve an average of 7.5 decision-makers in the buying process. Thinking about conversions and ROI, the faster you can get those 7.5 people to agree that you’re the one, the faster you’ll prove marketing’s value to sales… And that support doesn’t come easily. If you’ve been able to start the conversation early with an informative and useful Engagement Program, you’ve essentially made the sales teams’ job exponentially easier. Your sales team will appreciate having to do less convincing, and this will also free them up to keep turning the crank on their other accounts. Additionally, leads that believe in the value of your solutions tend to buy more. Any sales person can corroborate that story– in fact, for most businesses, it’s not about competing on price but instead about proving value. Be valuable to your leads and prospects at every touchpoint you have with them, and they’ll pay it forward. Literally, though. They’ll pay you. With money. And probably a fair amount of goodwill, too.
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A good doc to keep near your desk or on your desktop.
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Some key theme for Marketers to think about: Mobile, Global and Local (Mo-Glo-Lo). Lots of data here.
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These are great for setting up normalization smart campaigns.
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Anyone can build a traditional lead nurture track – send email #1 with content offer A, wait a week and send email #2 with content off er B, and so on. But given that 94% of marketing qualified leads never close*, it’s time for marketers to switch up their nurturing playbook. Here is a doc containing a lead nurture checklist to help you take your nurturing program from okay to awesome.
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This document was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Sprinklr. It contains advice for using social media to turn employees into brand advocates. Plus, advice from practitioners at Entergy and EY.
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This document was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Sprinklr. This contains practical tips for assessing and handling different brand crisis situations from the occasional social media blunder to the disastrous PR nightmare.
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This document was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Sprinklr. overview of social media content today, current challenges facing brands, tips for making your social media content stand out. Plus, articles from content marketing influencers like Joe Pulizzi (Content Marketing Institute), Jason Miller (LinkedIn), and Michael Brenner (NewsCred).
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This document was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Sprinklr. Read what these experts have to say about Customer Experience: Barry Dalton: Bigger isn't always better in the Customer Business Frank Eliason: The Role of Social Media Customer Service is Changing Andrew Grill: Customer Experience Management in the Age of Social Robert Rose: The Newly Empowered Customer Demands a New Marketing Approach Tim Walters: The Main Problem With CXM is Understanding that CXM is a Problem.
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This document was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Sprinklr. Contains stats around traditional customer service practices, reasons why brands should incorporate social media into the mix, best practices for social customer care, and advice from customer service pros like Augie Ray and Frank Eliason.
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This document was provided by our LaunchPoint Partner, Sprinklr. We can't forget that there are good opportunities with paid Social ads.  This contains stats on the growing paid industry, tips for running a successful paid social campaign, and advice from paid experts at Vodafone, Castrol, and more.
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Note: This playbook was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Neustar. Omni shoppers don’t think of channels and devices when they make a purchase. To them, it’s all seamless. And engaging them requires identifying them across touch points, consistently and accurately. Research shows that 83 percent of consumers expect you to know them across channels and devices. 46 percent will purchase more when they receive targeted offers across touch points. Yet identifying high-value customers or potential shoppers across mobile, in-store, call-center and online can be a major blind spot. How do you manage your multiple channels and customer touch points?
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Note: This playbook was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Neustar. This white paper provides six simple steps for developing accurate and usable data. It's a good quick read.
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Note: This playbook was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Neustar Results from this study reveal that the practices and attitudes of marketers and publishers are aligning with consumers’ privacy concerns. For all the negative connotations around data collection, the reality is much less scary. Below are some key findings from the study, followed by a more in-depth discussion. The marketing industry still struggles to link data to create individual customer profiles. Half of the respondents said they aren’t able to do it. Complexity seems to be the overarching challenge when it comes to data collection. 25 percent said that legal issues are a challenge; 29 percent said process is a main challenge; 19 percent responded having no systems in place was a hurdle.' Traditional modes of data collection are still dominant. 71 percent told us they collect information based on phone numbers, home addresses and IP addresses; 76 percent reported collecting demographic profile data. Interestingly, only 47 percent are collecting psychographic data. Marketers and publishers believe, overwhelmingly, that consumers should know what data is being collected. Approximately 96 percent said that consumers should have complete control and be fully informed about a company’s data collection policy and have the ability to opt-out. Additionally, 89 percent said that a company is either responsible or completely responsible for respecting and protecting consumers’ privacy. Some industry executives (21 percent) believe government constrains companies too much when it comes to collecting data. There’s also an education issue; 23 percent said they’re not familiar with the current legal framework.
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Note: This playbook was provided by our LaunchPoint partner, Neustar. It all comes down to getting good and accurate leads. Lead quality is critical to the success of your business. And it comes only from having an effective lead management strategy with intelligent components in place. Download the playbook and learn more.
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