We use Eventbrite for smaller, local events (such as regional happy hours or lunch & learns) that our non-Marketo team members set up and run. The integration between Eventbrite and Salesforce was not allowing us to capture the data the way we wanted to, so we looked for a way to feed the data from Eventbrite into Marketo, prior to sending it into Salesforce.
The solution for us was adjusting our data flow process to utilize “zaps” via Zapier. This step-by-step guide will show you how we were able to integrate our systems to capture the data we need.
Side Note: Zapier offers a 14-day free trial which will allow you to test this functionality to see if it will work for your organization.
- Admin access to Marketo, Eventbrite and Zapier
- Unique email address to create Zapier/Marketo connection (ex: zapierapi@yourcompany.com)
- Custom Field: Eventbrite ID (this may or may not already be available – just check
Step 1: Add Eventbrite and Marketo to your “Connected Accounts” within Zapier
Connect Eventbrite account to Zapier account
Connect Marketo account to Zapier account
- Follow the instructions found here to obtain your Client ID, Secret and Domain
- Please note: You will need to create an alias email address to connect the Zapier API to your Marketo instance (ex: zapierapi@yourcompany.com)
Step 2: Create Zap to capture event “registration” in EventBrite and feed the data into Marketo
- EVENTBRITE: Create the event in Eventbrite. Make adjustments to the “order form” as needed to ensure that the appropriate fields are being captured upon registration. If certain fields are necessary to add to your database, make sure that they are “required” fields on the order form (ex. First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Email Address, etc.). Make your event “live” and submit a test registration (you’ll be able to remove the test later).
- MARKETO: Create a list in your Marketo Lead Database to capture registrants. For scalability, it’s recommended that you create a “Zap Lists” folder under your “Group Lists” folder. Use a naming convention that will clearly identify which list should be associated with which event. We use the date of the event as the unique identifier (ex: 160629 NE Happy Hour - Registered)
- MARKETO: Create an Event program in Marketo. If you would like to use the Marketo Events app to check people in at the event, be sure that you use the appropriate channel for your program. In the “Setup” tab, be sure to add your period costs, appropriate tags, and analytics behavior. Also, be sure to “schedule” your event if you plan to use the Marketo Events App for attendee check-in.
- MARKETO: Create a smart campaign to add the appropriate registrants to the event program.
- Trigger: Added to List > List Name is [insert the list name you created in Lead Database to capture registrants]
- Filter: Eventbrite Id > Eventbrite Id is [leave blank until you obtain the id from Zapier]
- Change Program Status > Program [the program you created] New Status: [channel > registered]
- Please note: You can create whatever additional flow steps or smart campaigns you need to facilitate your program. The above are just the basics needed to associate the lead with the program for the Zapier dataflow process described here.
- ZAPIER: Once you’ve completed the items listed below, select the “Make a Zap!” button. Be sure to clearly name your Zap, so you know what event and action the Zap represents:
- The Eventbrite and Marketo accounts are connected
- The event has been created in Eventbrite
- The event registration list has been created in the Lead Database (Marketo)
- The event program has been created in Marketing Activities (Marketo)
- Create Step 1 of the Zap. Follow the document titled “Use Zapier for Registration” for visual guide of the following steps:
- Select Eventbrite for your trigger app
- Select “New Attendee” for your Eventbrite Trigger
- Select the appropriate Eventbrite account
- Select Event Status is “live”
- Select Event is [the event you created in Eventbrite]
- Review the details of the attendee registration to obtain the “Eventbrite ID”.
- MARKETO: Copy that “Event ID” and insert it into your event program smart campaign in Marketo. This will ensure that the appropriate registrants are being associated with the appropriate events. Please note: event_id = Eventbrite id
- Create Step 2 of the Zap. Follow the document titled “Use Zapier for Registration” for visual guide of the following steps:
- Select Marketo for your action app
- Select “Create or Update Lead” as your Marketo action
- Select the appropriate Marketo account
- Associate the fields captured via the Eventbrite order form with the appropriate fields in the Marketo database. Not all fields need to be associated. This step is unique to your organization. Email is the only “required” field and you must populate the “Eventbrite Id” field with the appropriate information.
- Create Step 3 of the Zap. Follow the document titled “Use Zapier for Registration” for visual guide of the following steps:
- Select Marketo for your action app
- Select “Add Lead to List” as your Marketo action
- Select the appropriate Marketo account
- To Set up Marketo Lead to List, select List = [the list you created in the Lead Database for registrants]; select Lead = Use a custom value, Custom Value for Lead ID = Step 2 ID
- You will be able to verify that the registration process fired appropriately by reviewing your list in the Lead Database and the event program in your Marketing Activities section within your Marketo instance.
Step 3: Create Zap to capture event “check-in” in EventBrite and feed the data into Marketo
The hang up we’ve run into with the Marketo Events app is that you have to use a tablet to “check in” event attendees. With Eventbrite, our reps have the ability to use their phones to check people in, which tends to be easier for our organization. This is why we set up a Zap to push “check in” data from Eventbrite into Marketo.
Please note: if you’re using the Marketo Events app to track attendees, you do not need to set up a Zap to push attendee data from EventBrite into Marketo. This is only needed if you will be “checking in” attendees via the EventBrite app/platform.
- MARKETO: Create a List in your Marketo Lead Database section to capture event attendees. Use a naming convention that will clearly identify which list should be associated with which event. We use the date of the event as the unique identifier (ex: 160629 NE Happy Hour - Attended)
- MARKETO: Add a smart campaign to your event program that will listen for registrants to “check-in” to the event.
- Trigger: Added to List > List Name is [insert the list name you created in Lead Database to capture attendees]
- Filter Eventbrite Id > Eventbrite Id is [same id from the “add to program” smart list created in previous steps]
- Change Program Status > Program [the program you created] New Status: [channel > attended]
- You can create whatever additional flow steps or smart campaigns you need to facilitate your program. The above are just the basics needed to associate the lead status change with the program.
- EVENTBRITE: Go into your event in Eventbrite and mark your test registrant as “check-in” to update the status
- ZAPIER: Create Step 1 of the Zap. Follow the document titled “Use Zapier for Attendees” for visual guide of the following steps:
- Select the “Make a Zap!” button
- Select Eventbrite for your trigger app
- Select “New Attendee Check-In” for your Eventbrite trigger (this option may appear under “show less common options”)
- Select the appropriate Eventbrite account
- Select the correct event associated with the “check-in” for the Eventbrite Attendee
- Create Step 2 of the Zap. Follow the document titled “Use Zapier for Attendees” for visual guide of the following steps:
- Select Marketo for your action app
- Select “Create or Update Lead” as your Marketo action
- Select the appropriate Marketo account
- Associate the appropriate fields in Eventbrite with the fields in Marketo. For this step you only need to associate the “email address (profile email)” and the “Eventbrite id (event id)”. This lead (if new to your database) was already created in your registration zap.
- Create Step 3 of the Zap. Follow the document titled “Use Zapier for Attendees” for visual guide of the following steps:
- Select Marketo for your action app
- Select “Add Lead to List” as your Marketo action
- Select the appropriate Marketo account
- To Set up Marketo Lead to List, select List = [the list you created in the Lead Database for attendees]; select Lead = Use a custom value, Custom Value for Lead ID = Step 2 ID
- You will be able to verify that the check in process fired appropriately by reviewing your list in the Lead Database and the event program in your Marketing Activities section within your Marketo instance.
Congratulations! You’re all set up.
Remember to remove your test registrants/attendees from the Marketo program. You’ll also want to be sure to turn your zaps “on” before collecting registrants/attendees. Another thing to consider is that Zapier charges based on the amount of zaps being used. You may want to consider deleting the zaps once the event is completed, so you will not be charged.