Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

Level 2

Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

Hi Brains Trust,

I'm hoping someone can help me!


I am currently building and testing the Zoom Webinar <> Marketo integration. I've set up the LaunchPoint service, can see all the webinars in our account, so all good there. 


I have a test program in Marketo connected to a non-recurring webinar set in the future in Zoom. 

I'm getting stuck with 'Change program status > Registered' (which then sends registration information to Zoom).

I get this error message:


Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 1.35.08 pm.png

The channel of the program is Webinar. 

The Event Partner is set to Zoom, Event Status is 'Scheduled Event' and all the details (name, description, number) all come up. 


Any ideas on how to fix this error? 




Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

There are a few different causes, but let’s start with: does the person have all the fields that you currently require in Zoom, and is their Email Address value valid? Zoom doesn’t like to register people whose addresses are known-invalid (= DNS MX entry cannot exist).

Level 2

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

Hi Sandford, Yes the email address is valid  

Level 2

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

Adding to the conundrum...


The webinar I connected the Marketo program to is an upcoming non-recurring webinar. There are 50+ set up in our Zoom. They are hosted by someone other than myself, so within Zoom itself, I can't actually see it.

The host is added in the App config in Zoom marketplace Marketo app and the webinar is available to select when connecting the program. 


I have just created a new webinar in Zoom and I am the host. I have named this 'Zoom Marketo Test' 

I have changed over the program to connect to my new 'Zoom Marketo Test' webinar.

When doing the exact same process to change the status of a person to Registered, it works a-ok! I get the confirmation email and the webinar link token works as expected.


What could possibly be causing this in Zoom? Any ideas?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

Betcha registration is disabled in Zoom.

What you need to do is get IT to give you a Zoom API key so you can do spot-checks like this. I've run into the same thing where the webinar is in another account so I can't see it in the UI, but by fetching it via API I can see the person set it up wrong.
Level 2

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

I just did a screenshare with a webinar host to see how they have their webinars set up (we looked at more than 10). 

All have registration enabled. All other set up is exactly the same as what my test webinar had.


The only difference I can see is that there are 'alternative hosts' listed on hers and some of them aren't set up in the Zoom app config. Could that be why??? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

The only difference I can see is that there are 'alternative hosts' listed on hers and some of them aren't set up in the Zoom app config. Could that be why??? 

No, Marketo doesn’t know about that.

Level 2

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

Hi Katie,


I was experiencing the same issue, and I went through quite a bit of testing and experimentation with the help of IT to try to narrow down the cause. 


Here's what we found:

  • It seems like the required permissions for the Zoom user you use to oauth from Marketo as documented by Zoom are not complete
  • We found that enabling the additional permissions of full edit Users and User advanced settings seems to have fixed the problem (this was after enabling full admin permissions and reducing permissions from there). 


image (13).png








You do also have to still ensure you have the base permissions outlined in the documentation and you must also ensure registration is required when configuring your webinar in Zoom (ie ensure the rest of Zoom's instructions are followed exactly).


Hope that helps!

Michelle Wilfong-Oliphant

Level 2

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

Hi Michelle, 

Thanks so much for replying! 

I have just checked and the Role my integration user has is 'Admin' and in the Role Settings I already had these check-boxes checked 🤔

All the base permissions outlined in the documentation are included as well. 

Marketo Support haven't been able to help so far either. 

Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 8.45.40 am.png

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Zoom Webinar <> Marketo - Registration Error

You have to get that API access and compare the setups of the webinar that works and the one that doesn’t. Download them both and then use a text diff tool (I use Meld) to compare. Guarantee you’ll find the offending setting.