What's the best way to build a smart list containing anyone who opened an email sent from a specific workspace within the past 90 days? Doesn't look like "Workspace" is available as a filter.
"Workspace" is not a filter. However, each email asset in Marketo is appended with the program name, even if the email asset has the same name. So you should be able to just select the specific email asset if you're in the same workspace. Unless you would like to create a filter for an email asset not in your workspace?
Hi Jason,
In my experience, a smart campaign can only 'read' email assets that exist within the same workspace. Write your smart campaign in the same workspace and use Opened Email "Is Any" and it'll grab all assets in the same workspace. I just did a quick test in my instance with 3 workspaces and it worked as described!
Just to clarify on Chris's response: in my experience this is only true if each workspace is on a different partition. "is any" rules seem to more accurately translate to "any lead visible to this partition fills out any form" than "any form in this workspace is submitted". In my instance (multiple workspaces on one partition), this rule will pick up form submissions across workspaces. Weird little unexpected quirk worth being aware of
This is great to know! Realizing now our instance' setup has all 1:1 workspaces and partitions, and it sounds like the rules are aligned with the user record and which partition they are in, instead of the asset's location. Makes sense, thank you for clarifying!