Re: Why is Event Partner link (brighttalk webinar) necessary?

Not applicable

Why is Event Partner link (brighttalk webinar) necessary?

I added members to the program, and now am not able to link the program to brighttalk.

Any ideas?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Why is Event Partner link (brighttalk webinar) necessary?

Did you link the program first?

What status are the members in? You should not add anyone until the systems are connected and then register people. I suspect you will have to kick everyone out of the Program, connect to BrightTalk, then add back the people at the right status.

Not applicable

Re: Why is Event Partner link (brighttalk webinar) necessary?

Hey Josh - how do you add people back in at the right status?

Level 10

Re: Why is Event Partner link (brighttalk webinar) necessary?

Yes there might be a possibility that the program has members in it may be that's why you are not able to link it with Brightalk. Check inside results tab, if there are members you need to change their status to "Not in Program". Once its linked with Brightalk, you can add those members again into that program.

Not applicable

Re: Why is Event Partner link (brighttalk webinar) necessary?

How would you add the members back in with their existing status ie opened, clicked etc?