Hi James,
you ou do not technically need a program to handlr that form, but the best practice is that you at least host the SC in a program, so that each person filling out the form would become a progrMa member and get the program as acquisition program when they are a new lead. This will preserve your reporting capabilities.there is also a virtue to handling things always through programs: consistency reduces the risks of errors.
the form itself canbe hosted in the same program or shared I the design studio. The lattter is better if the form is to be reused. And you never know in advance if you might need to reuse a form in the future.
Thank you Gregoire. I don’t see an option to mark this questions answered.
James Zolinski
Marketing Operations Manager
Direct: 602-601-5833
Email: james@helpinc.us<mailto:james@helpinc.us>
Web: www.helpinc.us<http://www.helpinc.us/>
For this, simply mark one answer as correct.
You still haven't explained how your concern about fields not being captured is relevant here. You do not need an SC to capture submitted values, period.
My concern is that when leads fill out embedded forms on non-Marketo LP's, there is no acquisition program or source associated to identify where they came from, without having to look at each leads activity log to know where they came from. We have a number of forms that are being used that have hidden utm fields but the fields on the forms are not populating correctly, so we're unable to associate leads to specific AP's to know which AP's are more successful than others. As previously mentioned, I inherited this instance and am finding these issues from previous users, and I don't think they did enough tracking of programs successes to realize the forms were not tracking leads AP's, sources correctly. And as I gain a better understanding of Marketo I want to learn how to avoid these issues in the future so leads and their AP's are being tracked correctly.
"the fields on the form are not populating correctly" -- fields on embedded forms populate in the same way they are configured. So I still don't know what you mean by "correctly." The correctness is relative to the setup in Form Editor!
Sorry Sanford, perhaps I am using the wrong terminology when it comes to describing my problem. Below is a screenshot of one of the alert emails we receive from Marketo when a new leads fills out the embedded contact me form on our website. As you can see, the Lead Source and Source Detail field are empty, even though on the form we are using the hidden utm fields to capture this information, which unfortunately is not happening. Which is why I was thinking that since the form's embedded code does not contain the utms, the form is not being populated correctly with the Lead Source and Source Detail. I believe this is been going on for at least a year because we have about 5200 leads with no AP's associated to them. Seeing this, does it help explain or make more sense of what I am trying to resolve? I really want to get this resolved so we can start tracking these leads better.
perhaps I am using the wrong terminology when it comes to describing my problem
I think that's true... the very title of this thread isn't clear in Marketo-speak. The form embed code consists of two script tags, one remote JS file and one block of local JS. So when you say, "Where to place such-and-such in form embed code?" that suggests (perhaps) that you mean "How do I add custom form behaviors JavaScript within the local JS block?" or something along those lines. Definitely not that you're talking about how to set up the form in Form Editor, which is sort of the opposite of the embed code, since the Form Editor's UI-driven configuration is for both Marketo LPs with no embed code at all and embedded forms on 3rd-party pages.
So let's take it back to the beginning:
Please see my answers in below. I must apologize, I misspoke when I said this form was not in a program, it actually is, along with the alert emails, which I think might make this easier to remedy, but I could be wrong, much like it seems I have about trying to resolve this.
So let's take it back to the beginning:
I truly appreciate all the help on this matter, please don't hesitate to let me know if I need to provide additional information to resolve this finally. Also, below are screenshots of the Smart list and flow from the SC for this program where the alert emails are generated from, in case this helps.
- Those {{lead.}} tokens correspond to fields you believe you are filling using the Hidden field feature in Form Editor. Yes, please see form screenshot.
Nothing in this screenshot proves you're using the Lead Source and Lead Source Detail fields on this form. You're mapping the query param utm_source to a field called UTM Source LT. Unless you changed the name, that isn't the default Lead Source/Person Source field.
- You haven't provided a test URL that includes the (non-empty) url parameter utm_source and which hosts a form.
What is a test url?
Test URL: a URL that someone can navigate to to view your form, and the same URL you're using in your repeated internal tests.
- You haven't shown the Detail popup for a Filled Out Form Activity Log entry corresponding to a form fillout on that test URL. The Detail always shows exactly what was posted from the browser to Marketo, even if it doesn't end up populating a lead field.
Please see screenshot below
The Detail popup is what you see when you click the Filled Out Form activity. You're showing the general Activity Log summary screen, not a Detail. The fact that you haven't found the Detail suggests this hasn't been debugged at all, really!