Re: Where is the web page visit count reporting by page?

Not applicable

Where is the web page visit count reporting by page?

We just shfted over from Hubspot and I'm looking for basic metrics on our web pages (clicks/views, time on page etc).  Thanks! G
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Where is the web page visit count reporting by page?

Click on the page in Marketo to view. You can also go to design studio and click on Landing Page. Or see my handy guide:
Not applicable

Re: Where is the web page visit count reporting by page?

Thanks Josh.  I'm trying to look at my website from a visitor traffic perspective... not just landing pages.  I visited the link and clicked through the slideshare... but I didn'y get a sense of how I could see how various web pages rank against each other for traffic and time on page....  G