Re: Where can I find Webex webinar attendees in Marketo

Level 4

Where can I find Webex webinar attendees in Marketo

Hi all,

I have Marketo-Webex integration set up correctly and the right unique URL is being triggered when people register and I can see that data in my registration list. However, where do I look for Attended Webinar or No Show after the event? Or how to set this up? Couldn't find much information about it...

Level 5

Re: Where can I find Webex webinar attendees in Marketo

If your Webex Integration is set up properly then you should should be able to see it if you click on the parent Event Program and scroll to Member by Program Status.

Level 4

Re: Where can I find Webex webinar attendees in Marketo

Well the event hasn't started yet so the only members of my event program is 'Registered'. Should I create a list where somehow the attended members will go? Or I will be able to get them form the members tab in the event program? How do you usually receive them?

Level 4

Re: Where can I find Webex webinar attendees in Marketo

Also my Event Status is Event Complete. Is that how it suppose to be because my event hasn't event started yet...

Level 5

Re: Where can I find Webex webinar attendees in Marketo

Hi Diana,

Is it synced to the correct Webinar in Webex or did you change the date of the webinar? Sometimes that happens when you change the date, I would go to the top and select Event Actions and Refresh from Webinar Provider.

Once the webinar is actually complete it will update the leads automatically in Marketo to Attended On Demand or No Show, so you will be able to see them in the same place as where you can find the registrants right now. Depending on your instance, it could take a few hours to update their statuses in Marketo after the webinar in complete. Hope that helps!


Level 4

Re: Where can I find Webex webinar attendees in Marketo

Julie, that is more that helpful - thank you so much!