Hi Grég,
Could you expand on this? I'm having a similar issue where we have leads coming in via two LaunchPoint partners, and I'm struggling to find a way to distinguish between the two. How would I customize the API to populate a field that isn't on the form?
Hi James,
Add an "API partner" field and ask the 2 launchpoint partners to populate this field with a value that is different for each of them and will enable you to know which one did create the record.
Great - thank you!
Or, for even better tracking, work more closely with the partners to not just insert leads into Marketo. Get them to direct those leads into specific Marketo programs/activities so that they can be assigned proper leads sources, added to nurture, sync'd to SFDC campaigns, etc. I personally would find it a bit alarming to have raw lead records inserted from an API without more control over how they are processed and tracked.
Hi Frank,
Yes, you are right.