Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Level 2

What happens when you're over the communication limit?

With the new engagement engine, our organization is taking the opportunity to re-examine our communication plans, but while we work on this, we would like to implement the communication limits asap. I understand how going over the communication limits would work in the engagement engine, but what happens in the event that the campaign is not part of the engagement engine?

Is the email in a suspended, limbo "wait step" until the lead clears the limit or does the lead just not get the email? When is the lead considered to have "flowed through" the campaign? The July release notes say "set a[n] limit and the system will do the rest," but what does that actually mean?

Also, for the weekly limit, is the "7 day" count based per week (S-S) or on a rolling basis (today is Tuesday so it counts emails from last Wednesday to today)?

And then to confirm, even if you "opt-out" an email from the communication limits, the email sent will still be counted toward the communication limit, correct?

Thanks for your help!
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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

If a lead has reached their daily/7 day communication limit, the system will not send the email.  There is no "retry" or "limbo" state.  The user will have to determine if they wish to resend the email at a later time.   When a lead misses a piece of content in the engagement streams, the system will try to resend it during the next cast.

7 day is a rolling 7 days while the daily is midnight to midnight.

if you opt out, we will still count that the lead received an email, we just don't prevent the email from being sent.
Level 9

Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Hi Cheryl Chavez​,

So, operational emails count towards the email communication limits? I'm trying to confirm...

Our limits are set at 3 per 7 days.Group A hasn't received an email in 8 days. We send Group A an operational email today, tomorrow, and the day after. Will they have then met their communication limit?

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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Hey Cheryl, what about Sales Insight emails?
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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Hi Cheryl - Does the Communication Limits only apply to emails (i.e.: those sent by the Send Email flow step) or also to emails sent through the Send Alert flow step?

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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Communication limits do not apply to to people who are sent an alert.  
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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Did anyone find out if Sales Insight Emails count toward the communication limits?
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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Sales Insight emails do not count towards the limit.
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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

What if I am working on an email creation and want to send test emails to myself (multiple times a day)?
Currently I am getting over the communication limit and so can not get test email delivered to me.
Is there a way to override 'communication limit' for some 'designated' test contacts?

I know I can test emails by using 'test the email' functionality. But I want to test the live email with merging of dynamic information.

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Re: What happens when you're over the communication limit?

Marketo is working on a fix for that.  Soon sending an email using the single flow action will not count towards the communication limits.  Details are in this community disucssion:  Once this fix is in, you will be able to send an email to yourself as many times as you want.