Hi, feeling a little dumb and sad today. Can someone tell me what I did wrong in the following scenario?
I wanted to send out an event invite to two groups of people - one group who has a certain add-on suite, and one group who does not have that particular add-on suite. I used a Salesforce campaign for each group. We'll call them Add-On Suite and No Add-On for now. I wanted to use different subject lines for each group, so I split them up in a single send campaign.
My smart list was as follows:
Use ANY Filters (which is where I might have messed up
1. Member of SFDC Campaign in Add-On Suite
2. Member of SFDC Campaign in No Add-On Suite
And then my flow was:
1. Change program status to invited
2. Send Email - If Member of SFDC Campaign in Add-On Suite send Add-On Suite Email
3. Send Email - If Member of SFDC Campaign in No Add-On Suite send No Add-On Suite Email
I thought I set this up correctly, but apparently not because everyone got both emails regardless of which SFDC campaign they were in. Why? I checked the SFDC campaign for duplicates but that's not the case, it was definitely Marketo. What did I do wrong and what can I do better next time? TY in advance Marketo Universe.
Was your "Send email" step in one flow step or separate flow steps?
Two separate flow steps
Please show a screenshot of your Flow.
My gut answer is that the separate flow steps was the reason; but hard to tell without seeing the screenshot of your flow.
Typically when I want to do an email send to multiple different groups I add them all into one, single flow step with choices; that way they only get the first email they qualify for.