Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

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What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

When enabling the email 2.0, it you edit a draft of an email or email template, this draft is automatically updated to 2.0. But what are the changes that are really made to this asset ?



Accepted Solutions
Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Your assumption is basically right, it's how we store it in the DB with the appropriate metadata to make it v2. If you have a completely "valid" v1.0 template, then you will see absolutely no changes to your code when you click "Edit Draft" with Email 2.0 enabled. It will just suddenly be a v2.0 template if you approve it. However, what you'll see about the v1.0 Email Templates is that even just having the following is considered valid:

<div class="mktEditable"

Literally, without closing anything. In the old Email Editor 1.0, we would run HTML Tidy on that prior to creating a new email and the resulting code in an individual email using that template would obviously include much more. So, when you click "Edit Draft" with Email 2.0 enabled, we're also going to run that same HTML Tidy validation so that the resulting code of your template has all that stuff in it. This is how we'll ensure that if you have a v1.0 template, that when you approve it as a v2.0, it will cause your individual emails to look the same.

Make sense?


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Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Sort of related/sort of unrelated, did you get this email from Pierce? (can't tag because he has 10+ accounts, not sure which one is the main one)

As you may have heard, Marketo is releasing a new email editor this week. At Knak, we are very excited about the new capabilities that it offers for making better emails. That is what Knak is all about.

Before you make the decision to start migrating to new email editor, there are a few of things that we think you should know:

The new editor is a bit of a black box
There was no beta for the new editor, which means that no one (including Knak) was able to test or see how it handles responsive, fluid hybrid code. As we communicated when the last Marketo email editor was released, there were some issues with it compromising the code required to make emails responsive across all email clients. We will be performing extensive testing on the new editor to make sure that it can support our fluid hybrid code and maintain responsiveness across all email clients… and you’ll know as soon as we know how it stacks up. Stay tuned for that.

There can be irreversible impacts on existing email templates
When you switch to the new editor, all of your existing (v1.0) templates go into draft mode. If those templates are reapproved, Marketo converts them to v2.0 and it is impossible to revert them back to v1.0. This means that if for some reason you are not happy with the new editor, or it is not able to produce code that is conducive to fully responsive templates, you would not be able to revert the templates back to their original state.

We don’t know the quality of the new templates
This is not the first time Marketo has provided templates. They have offered free templates at for years, and the fundamental issue was that they missed the mark with regards to what Marketers actually needed and were difficult to work with. Hopefully things have changed, but, like the new editor, no one has seen these new templates and so we simply don’t know.

For more information on the new editor and considerations you should make, we recommend you go through the Marketo documentation here:

What do we suggest?
Of course we want our customers to have the very best experience, so we’d recommend that customers wait to upgrade to the new email editor until we have done extensive testing on how it codes emails. If you cannot wait for this testing to be completed, we recommend that you make sure you do not re-approve all your existing email templates, as they can never be reverted back to their original state.

What is Knak going to do?
Our position, as it always has been, is to provide Marketo marketers with the best possible emails and landing pages. The new editor will open many new capabilities for Knak to improve our templates even further, just like it did when Marketo launched the new landing page editor. We are working with Marketo to make the best templates in the world for the new editor.

Personally, I get a bit of satisfaction in thinking that maybe Knak also played a small part in getting Marketo to finally create the new editor. They even used ‘create beautiful responsive templates’ in their description of the new editor, which has been Knak’s tagline all along. The new Marketo editor is another step towards Knak’s goal of enabling Marketers to make beautiful responsive templates, with no coding required

If you have any questions about the new editor, please feel free to reach out to me directly.


Pierce Ujjainwalla

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Hi Dory,

Yes, I got it, but part of it are just to say we do not know


Not applicable

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

I find the lack of beta testing a big miss for this release. I'm concerned enough to actually be one of the wait and see people, but I want to start testing it out at the same time.

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Emily Dick​ We usually have many features available for beta testing prior to release, usually about one quarter ahead of general release.

You'll need to sign a beta agreement prior to having access to beta features, so check with your Customer Account Manager to inquire about that. They'll be able to help you navigate which features are coming up that have beta features available in advance and get the beta agreements out of the way when they do come around.

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Hi Mike,

I think that Emily is referring to the fact that the new email editor was not a candidate for a Beta release and no one has been able to be a Beta on it.

We were candidate as well, and the feedback I got from Justin was that, exceptionally, this was not technically feasible to make some instances Beta testers.


Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Aaahh, thanks for the clarification. I can't speak with authority for this particular feature but hopefully Justin Cooperman​ could..?

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

There's nothing to add, we simply didn't host a public beta for this feature.

Level 10

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Emily, I don't know what you mean by this? The feature is released as an "opt in" feature. It will be off by default. So, in essence, the release is a beta in itself. You can test all you want once you get access and there is no requirement to turn it on until you feel comfortable.

Not applicable

Re: What changes are made to a 1.0 email or email template when it is upgraded to 2.0?

Hi Justin, so to clarify, when I 'opt in' it will be generally available to the instance? My digital team is meeting next week to do our own testing of the new editor and they all feel very confident we'll be able to turn this on. I just need to know all possibilities for the draft email versions as I have users in various regions with little email experience.