Webhook to Monday.com

Level 1

Webhook to Monday.com

Error Message:

Choice Number: 3896
Pay Load: { “query”: “mutation ($boardId: Int!, $companyName: String!, $columnVals: JSON! ) {create_item (board_id: $boardId, item_name: $companyName, column_values: $columnVals) {id}}”, “variables”: {“boardId”:2364371628, “companyName”:““test23LastOne””, “columnVals”: “{“phone”:”“7169084086"”,“text”:““test23LastOne””, “text4”:““test23LastOne””, “long_text”:““test23LastOne””, “status4”:“Website Form”,“email”:{“text":""test23LastOne@test.com” “,“email”:""test23LastOne@test.com” “}}”} }
Url: https://api.monday.com/v2
Webhook Id: 10
Webhook Name: MarketoToMonday
Request Type: http_post
Step ID: 3630
Source: Marketo Flow Action
Response: {“errors”:[{“message”:“No query string was present”}],“account_id”:6562763}
Person ID: 3238884
Response Code: 200


Here is my code:

{ "query": "mutation ($boardId: Int!, $companyName: String!, $columnVals: JSON! ) {create_item (board_id: $boardId, item_name: $companyName, column_values: $columnVals) {id}}", "variables": {"boardId":2364371628, "companyName":"{{company.Company Name}}", "columnVals": "{\"phone\":\"{{lead.Phone Number}}\",\"text\":\"{{lead.First Name}}\", \"text4\":\"{{lead.Last Name}}\", \"long_text\":\"{{company.Company Notes}}\", \"status4\":\"Website Form\",\"email\":{\"text\":\"{{lead.Email Address}} \",\"email\":\"{{lead.Email Address}} \"}}"} }


Here is the Marketo Configuration:

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Webhook to Monday.com

First, that’s an error passed back by Monday.com. It’s not a Marketo error.


If you look at the Call Webhook activity, the assembled payload that was actually put on the wire is not valid JSON. This is because you’re not properly escaping the values.


Moreover, in the data you pasted, you have curly quotes in the payload, which would never work (JSON uses standard dquot).


“query”: “mutat

Level 1

Re: Webhook to Monday.com

What values do I need to be escaping? Here is the payload template:

{ "query": "mutation ($boardId: Int!, $group_id: String!, $item_name: String!, $columnVals: JSON! ) {create_item (board_id: $boardId, group_id: $group_id, item_name: $item_name, column_values: $columnVals) {id}}", "variables": {"boardId":2364371628, "group_id": "New Leads", "item_name":\"{{company.Company Name}}\", "columnVals": "{\"phone\":{{lead.Phone Number}},\"text\":\"{{lead.First Name}}\", \"text4\":\"{{lead.Last Name}}\", \"long_text\":\"{{company.Company Notes}}\", \"status4\":\"Website Form\",\"email\":{\"text\":\"{{lead.Email Address}}\",\"email\":\"{{lead.Email Address}}\"}}"} }


Here is the payload being sent to Monday:

Pay Load:
{ "query": "mutation ($boardId: Int!, $group_id: String!, $item_name: String!, $columnVals: JSON! ) {create_item (board_id: $boardId, group_id: $group_id, item_name: $item_name, column_values: $columnVals) {id}}", "variables": {"boardId":2364371628, "group_id": "New Leads", "item_name":"testAddGroupID", "columnVals": "{"phone":7169084086,"text":"testAddGroupID", "text4":"testAddGroupID", "long_text":"testAddGroupID", "status4":"Website Form","email":{"text":"testAddGroupID@test.com","email":"testAddGroupID@test.com"}}"} }


I am not sure I understand what you mean by curly quotes --->" this is the only quote I know on the keyboard located left of enter button should I do two single quotes --->'' ?  

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Webhook to Monday.com

You’re trying to embed serialized JSON within JSON. But the whole payload needs to be valid.


This isn’t valid JSON:

  "query": "variables": {"email":"testAddGroupID@test.com"}}"} 


Nor is this valid:

   "query" : ""variables"": {""email"":""testAddGroupID@test.com""}}"


While this is:

   "query" : "\"variables\": {\"email\":\"testAddGroupID@test.com\"}}"


I am not sure I understand what you mean by curly quotes --->" this is the only quote I know on the keyboard located left of enter button should I do two single quotes --->'' ?  

You pasted content above, supposedly from the payload, that has curly quotes “ ”.