Re: Webhook activity tracking

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Webhook activity tracking

Hello! Does anyone know of a way to remove the "Call Webhook" activity from a program inside Marketo? It is storing the entire JSON call we are pushing out which may contain data in the payload that we do not want to have accessible to our other Marketo users. My gut says this is just as designed, I have gone to the extent in testing to delete the lead immediately after calling my webhook to see if that might get me what I need, but no dice.



Level 10

Re: Webhook activity tracking

HI Brendan,

This cannot be changed. You may want to enter an idea around this.

If this is a really sensitive issue, you may consider a different architecture:

  • Have the webhook pass the lead ID to the web service and the web service connect back to Marketo using the REST API and process what needs to be done.
  • Use only REST API calls that access the leads and do the processing

But anyhow, whatever you do will leave traces in the activity log. If not in the "webhook" activity, in the "data value change" one.


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Re: Webhook activity tracking

I will add that to the ideas, for what I am doing the fetch of the lead based on ID might solve my issue as a temporary solution though. Thanks for the input!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Webhook activity tracking

Are you talking about lead fields in the payload, or some other data?  If it's not lead-specific, think about using HTTP headers instead.  AFAIR those are not reflected in the Activity Log entry.

Otherwise, you would be stuck doing something like what Greg said, but I wouldn't encourage the use of the REST API for individual workloads like this.

Not applicable

Re: Webhook activity tracking

The way its setup today it would be lead fields, but since its not doing what I would need it to do in the end that could be changed. I like the idea of headers, I am not sure the API I am working with would be able to accept them but I will see. Thanks for the info!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Webhook activity tracking

Even if the API you're working with can't read them , you could gateway through another API that could, for example, copy the headers into URL params. Can you explain further what the confidentiality issue is, and the rest of the setup?  I'm curious about your remark that you could just delete the leads (if that would have helped).