Hi Guys!
We need to know the web pages a lead has visited in our website as a journey (the order of visit is also important), in example:
1. Visited a blog post x
2. Visited a blog post y
3. Visited a product page, etc.
I found this information in any lead's log, however it can't be used in a smart list and I'd like to reflect that later as a reports.
I've also tried the Web Page Activity report of Marketo but it's only giving back the Entry Page and counts the total visit pages whereas I need to know the pages names or URLs and the order they've been visited.
Any ideas anyone?
This isn't something you can do natively within Marketo.
While you could download the daily activity logs, process them offline, and then reimport (for example) a browsing persona ID to the lead, I'd suggest that Marketo not be used for reporting web journeys. Instead, have Marketo lead data be one of many inputs into an external data lake; record and crunch web activities using another package such as Keen.io.