Web personalization for unknown users

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Level 3

Web personalization for unknown users

Hello community, 


We are checking the viability of the following scenario: 


A user visits a landing page (Nº1) created via Marketo or that has the Marketo munchkin code. After this visit we want to show to this same anonymous user, in another website (Nº2), personalized content. Only to the users that have visited that specific landing page Nº1.


I understand that this is possible via web personalization, using the "includes visit" filter to create the segment. However, in order to get the web personalization working for this anonymous user, do we need to do the user matching first? I understand that it doesn't apply to this anonymous user case, right? 


If I´m correct, the matching need would only apply if we would target users via the "known profiles" filters.


Thank you!


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Web personalization for unknown users

Yes it should work ideally but there is a catch here, as for the munchkin code/marketo lp for an anonymous user the segmentation rule for web personalisation will only fire when the user visits the LP 2 in the same web session as he/she visited the LP 1. If the session is expired after the user has visted the LP 1 then visit to page 2 won't be personalized as per the segmentation rules. Hope I am clear 🙂


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Web personalization for unknown users

Check this community post here. This will clear many things out for you in this regard.

Let us know if you want any more help. 🙂


Level 3

Re: Web personalization for unknown users

Hey Darshil, thank you for your answer. I have read the other thread, however, I see differences between that scenario and my scenario: 


1- I am always talking about showing personalized content to an anonymous user. This user wouldn't be known in Page 1 and Page 2


2- I  want to use Web Personalization as we are talking about unknown users. I want to show in Page 2 personalized information for users that have visited Page 1, using the "Includes visit" segmentation. This would work, right? Does it have any issues?


Thank you!!!!

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Web personalization for unknown users

Yes it should work ideally but there is a catch here, as for the munchkin code/marketo lp for an anonymous user the segmentation rule for web personalisation will only fire when the user visits the LP 2 in the same web session as he/she visited the LP 1. If the session is expired after the user has visted the LP 1 then visit to page 2 won't be personalized as per the segmentation rules. Hope I am clear 🙂


Level 3

Re: Web personalization for unknown users

Understood! Thank you very much!!