Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

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Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Why isn’t the web page where an email takes a lead showing up on their Activity Log? I thought it was just because the user's cookies were turned off, but even with internal testing we find that sometimes the webpage that is visited is not recorded in the Activity Log (and cookies are definitely on for those test leads, as they appear in some record's Activity Log).

What else should I be checking into setting-wise to make sure this is being recorded?

It's currently like we can see that someone was delivered an email, opened the email, clicked on the email, and then filled out a form. But if we run reports on who visited that page (where the form lives), nothing is showing up b/c it is not being recorded in the Activity Log.

Thanks for the help.

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Accepted Solutions
Level 10

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

And again, the munchkin you are using code is weird.

it should be :

<script type="text/javascript">

(function() {

  var didInit = false;

  function initMunchkin() {

    if(didInit === false) {

      didInit = true;




  var s = document.createElement('script');

  s.type = 'text/javascript';

  s.async = true;

  s.src = '//';

  s.onreadystatechange = function() {

    if (this.readyState == 'complete' || this.readyState == 'loaded') {




  s.onload = initMunchkin;




while your's is just :

<!-- marketo munchkin tracking plugin by 10up: -->

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">mktoMunchkin("613-YHR-953");</script>

Sincerely, I would not trust the "" to provide a decent Marketo tracking code.

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Is Munchkin (correctly) loading on the website?  Post the URL and I can check it out.

Open Email, Click Email, Filled Out Form will all be logged without Munchkin.  Visit Web Page and Click Link require Munchkin.

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Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

That's the other thing - I see that it automatically changes program status to "sent" when the email is sent. But if the lead opens or clicks on the email, the program status isn't changed until I have a campaign set up telling it to change. Is that normal for an email program?

Here's an example of a page where the activity log is sometimes not recording the "visited web page."


Level 10

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Hi Allison,

Program statuses never change automatically. YOu will need to add a trigger campaign set as is :

  • trigger : email is sent (equals [your email])
  • flow : change program status -> email sent

And activate it.

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Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Ok, that makes sense. I guess it's just setting the status to "sent" automatically b/c that is the default/lowest-level status that a member can have in that email program. If we want to set additional statuses, I'll have to create that trigger campaign.

Thanks, Grégoire!

Level 10

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Hi again Alison,

Just tested you page, and the Marketo code seems to be loaded correctly. But the page html code is not complete. The </body> and </html> tags are missing, as well as may be one </div>. Plus there are quite a few html mistakes in the code (such a <img> not closed.

These may explain the fact that the page does nor execute correctly on certain bowsers.

Also, you should avoid iframes for Marketo forms and use embedded forms instead.


Level 10

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

And again, the munchkin you are using code is weird.

it should be :

<script type="text/javascript">

(function() {

  var didInit = false;

  function initMunchkin() {

    if(didInit === false) {

      didInit = true;




  var s = document.createElement('script');

  s.type = 'text/javascript';

  s.async = true;

  s.src = '//';

  s.onreadystatechange = function() {

    if (this.readyState == 'complete' || this.readyState == 'loaded') {




  s.onload = initMunchkin;




while your's is just :

<!-- marketo munchkin tracking plugin by 10up: -->

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">mktoMunchkin("613-YHR-953");</script>

Sincerely, I would not trust the "" to provide a decent Marketo tracking code.

Not applicable

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Thanks, Grégoire. I will talk to our web team about some of those mistakes and also the munchkin code that we are using. Perhaps that is contributing or causing our problems.

The reason we can't embed the Mkto forms and instead are using iframes is that we want to use the "prefill" function - like where the form would fill out the lead's name, etc. for them when they are returning users. That function doesn't work on embedded forms but only on Marketo forms on Marketo pages, I was told.

Level 10

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Hi again Alison,

This is correct, embedded forms do not allow for prefill.

Why are'nt you just using a Marketo LP instead. You page is not that complex and creating a Marketo guided LP template should not be a big deal and would a better job 🙂


Not applicable

Re: Web page visit on Activity Log not showing

Good point - that is another option we'll have to consider!
