We are having issues with the Web Page Activity report, was wondering if anyone has had the same plus any solutions:
1) When we compare a Smart List with the number of website visitors to a Web Page Activity report containing the same defined people, we are finding large gaps (sometimes in the 100-200 people). Is anyone else finding such a gap? Is this an issue on Marketo's end or our website?
2) Has anyone found a clear and presentable way to report on which referral pages/sources are bringing people to the website? The Web Page Activity report sometimes shows a value ofr "HTTP Referrer" but not in an organized fashion.
For #1 my guess is that the Smart List is setup with incorrect filters. It's kind of tricky to get the right URL value set when using the Visited Webpage filter (you can't just enter the URL). Also, keep in mind that a Smart List will show you current leads in the lead database that meet a criteria. The webpage activity report will show you historic things that happened. Leads could have been merged, deleted, etc. since these actions took place. There's a few other reasons you may see a discrepancy, but the report is the right place to view the metrics you're looking for. Can you post a screenshot of your Smart List filter criteria?
Hi Justin, I appreciate the response and offer to help.
Here is a screen shot of the Smart List which looks at people who registered for an event of ours (called SIOP16), and visited the event registration website.
Total people = 1,113
Here is a screenshot of the Web Page Activity Report with the same definitions.
Total people = 690
Thanks again for the help!
What is the date range in the WPA Report » Setup?
Why are the web pages slightly different (one doesn't have a pathname)?
Date range is All Time
Yikes. How stupid of me. I had 2 similar reports and screenshotted the wrong one.
This Smart List is closer to the report = 799 people - but still off from the report.
When you click "View Qualified People" in the report's Smart List, what's the result? Same as the Smart List outside of the report?
Yes, I do...so what does this all mean?
The Web Page Activity report sometimes shows a value ofr "HTTP Referrer" but not in an organized fashion.
The literal HTTP Referrer (Referer: header / document.referrer property) will not be reliably transmitted, especially (but not only) if your LP domain is not running https:// (I feel the need to say this constantly).
So the absence of HTTP Referrer doesn't mean there wasn't a non-direct source. But to see the source in a single field, you have to consolidate source-tagged URLs (i.e. UTM tags or other identifying information) with URLs (which may be either tagged or non-tagged) that do have a Referrer.
Thanks, Sanford. So you're saying there's no easy, organized way to see this data? Regardless of what the report shows, I will have to clean it up in Excel and organize?
Thanks, Sanford. So you're saying there's no easy, organized way to see this data?
There's an easy enough way to see it -- if you're recording it!
For example, if you always tag the source, you'll see the source right in the URL. You can also copy the referrer to the URL (in other words, fill in utm_source if it doesn't already exist). I recommend engaging a developer to build or roll out a touch-to-conversion library in JS so all the info gets to Marketo.