Re: Web Activity report to show full URL

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Web Activity report to show full URL


I've just noticed that the web activity report doesn't display full URLs. The additional paramaters in the URL (something like ?page=1&section=2...) were cut out. The reported URLs only show the main URLs, which is in many cases not very helpful. Is there a way to make Marketo display full URLs?

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Re: Web Activity report to show full URL

You could dive intothe Munchkin tracking code. You can override the URL there to have it displayed differently in Marketo. The same kind of technique you would use with Google Analytics.
Level 10

Re: Web Activity report to show full URL

Try to make your URL SEF. It will help you in Marketo tracking and Google Analytics tracking. Marketo tracker will save whole SEF URL.
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Re: Web Activity report to show full URL

Hi Alok, That would of course be the best solution!
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Re: Web Activity report to show full URL

Yeah, having a pretty/search-friendly URL would be great, but sometimes we can't beat the system 🙂
Anyway, I was thinking about having the additional params in a hidden form field, and that hidden form/field will get submitted every time the page is loaded. A little too much I think, but that's what I can think of so far.