Want to sync the static List from marketo to adobe analytics.

Level 1

Want to sync the static List from marketo to adobe analytics.

Hi Team,

I am new to Marketo and Adobe analytics. I am trying to explore "how to sync static List created in marketo to adobe analytics? Do we need to do some integration from marketo to analytics. We don't have audience manager in place. Without audience manager what all is possible from marketo to analytics and vice-versa.

Level 1

Re: Want to sync the static List from marketo to adobe analytics.

Hi Manisi,


Our company Datajoin solves for this with our easy "Micro Integrations", even if you don't have an AAM license.


For moving data from Marketo to Adobe Analytics you can:

  • Sync a Smart List or Static List to Adobe Analytics
  • Sync any Lead attributes to Adobe Analytics matched visitors (job title, lead status, etc.)
  • Sync any events to matched visitors (when the lead was created, became an MQL, etc.)

For moving data from Adobe Analytics to Marketo you can:

  • Get all rich web behaviors from AA into Marketo custom activity / object tied to the lead such as:
    • Ungated PDF downloads
    • Watched an on-demand demo (to completion)
    • Used a pricing calculator
    • Watched a recorded webinar (25-50-100%)
    • Started a purchase form but abandoned
    • And many more ...

Check out our links to learn more. We do have a free tier so you can see how it works for yourself. Let me know if any questions.