I'm trying to set up a flow for an email that will initially trigger on January 4 2016 (a Date-based wait step). But after January 4, I want it to become a Duration-based wait step, where it pauses for 48 hours and then sends. Is it possible to put two wait steps in a row without confusing the system? Or will it get to the January 4 date, and get confused, after the Jan 4 date has passed? Does anyone have experience with this?
Hi Lauren,
That should work. See here : What happens if a lead enters a fixed end date wait step after the end?
This will work but if you put them both in a row I believe your first email will go out Jan 6. You should test this to make sure it works properly
Theoretically your approach should work. Though, I would recommend using 2 different smart campaigns.
Flow for Campaign 1: Wait till January 04 --> Request Campaign 2
Flow for Campaign 2: Wait for 48 Hours --> Send Email