Re: Videoshare widget events

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Videoshare widget events

We are embedding some YouTube videos on a non-Marketo page using the Marketo embed code. Is there any way to bind to the events being fired by the widget loader? The Developer Console is filled with events, but I can't find any documentation for what they are or how to bind to them. Specifically I'm looking for an event to bind to once the loader has completed and written the YouTube iframe to the page.
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Re: Videoshare widget events

It will help if you could share with us what you are trying to accomplish.  Our social apps fire events that you can subscribe to, but I would have to understand the usecase before I tell you if our events will work for you.

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Re: Videoshare widget events

We want to open one of the videos in a modal window on page load. I'm looking for an event that fires once the YouTube iframe have been written to the page.
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Re: Videoshare widget events

Support couldn't help me. I did come up with a work around polling for the elements to be in the DOM, but if there is an event I can hook into, that would be better. I believe the event I want is "request_completed", but I need to know what element is firing the event and if that's the actual name of the event and if it's a true DOM event that I can listen for. Raj, if you can help, I would appreciate it, but I understand if this is beyond the scope of the widgets. Having the events documented and being able to listen for them would be a very nice feature though.
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Re: Videoshare widget events

There's no event that represents "video_loaded" at present.  The "request_completed" event is fired every time a request is made the server, so this will not work for you.  We will try to add a new event to represent "video_loaded" in the next release.
