Re: video share - increase size of video

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video share - increase size of video

I included a youtube video on a landing page, but would really like to increase the size of the video. Is that possible?
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Re: video share - increase size of video

Hi Kelly,

Did you upload the youtube video using Marketo? If not, then you can add html code to change the size of the video.

Hope this help.
Not applicable

Re: video share - increase size of video

If it's on a landing page, you should be able to resize it by dragging it bigger using the drag handles in the lp designer
If it has been taken off the LP and put on some non-marketo page, you'll have to override the options on the DOM node.  There are two ways to control it, either the size of the video, or the size of the whole placement, including the share bar at the bottom (if it exists).
videoWidth/videoHeight  (controls size of video)
<div class='cf_widgetLoader cf_myvideoid' options='{"videoWidth":1280, "videoHeight": 720}'></div>
outerWidth/outerHeight  (controls size of whole widget)
<div class='cf_widgetLoader cf_myvideoid' options='{"outerWidth":1280, "outerHeight": 720}'></div>
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Re: video share - increase size of video

Go into your landing page and drag a HTML element onto your content area.
  • Go to your Youtube video you're embedding.
  • Click on the "Share" below the view count.
  • Choose "Embed" and copy that code.
Code will look like this. 
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • From here you can increase the size by increasing the width and height. Use this website to see aspects ratio.
  • Plug in the Width and Height in W1 and H1. From here you can change the height in W2 and it should autofill H2. Put those two new numbers into the width and height in the code above.
  • Copy and past the the code into your HTML element.
  • DONE

Not applicable

Re: video share - increase size of video

Thank you everyone! This is very helpful!
Level 7

Re: video share - increase size of video

Drag a custom HTML bit  and paste this
div.cf_videoshare_container, .cf_videoshare_container, .cf_videoshare_wrap {
width:854px !important;
height:480px !important;
width:854px !important;
iframe {
width:854px !important;
height:480px !important;

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: video share - increase size of video

This code was just what I needed to resize the youtube videos on guided landing pages! Thank you!