Velocity Token Value pull in

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Level 3

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

I do have one more question. Is there any possibility we can get the event.title to show in the Subject Line of an email?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

You will need to create a separate velocity token to do that (i.e. just display the title), add that token in the subject line and you should be good to go! You'll be able to reference data set in the variable in your original token!

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

Yep.  Just create a very simple token that has in it


And pop that in the subject.  Fortunately, Marketo does the body processing before the subject line processing, so the variable is all nicely set for use.

Level 3

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

Great! Everything is working. Thank you guys!

Level 3

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

If I have a deigned Add to Calendar section in my email for Google, Outlook and IOS. Is there’s a way to change their invite links according to the event the user has signed up for? So right now the email updates the title, when and where but if I have a Add to Calendar section with 3 separate columns saying Google, Outlook and IOS. Is there’s a way to generate their invitation links dynamically?


 something like below 



Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

You can have additional parameters with the apt ics values (each for google/apple/outlook) for each of the HUG event in the velocity map  and use that in the calendar section of the email based on the HUG event type. Assuming you would have your original token with all the data above this token - you can have a token that can display the calendar section and dynamically add the apt ics links based on the HUG event type referencing the respective ics links  from the original token. You can also have a separate array locally defined in the velocity token - but IMO having all the info in a single array at one place in your original token wouldn’t hurt.

Level 3

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in


Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

@freeza ,

Add all the parameters for the event into the keymap (the way you added title).

Then use a link to agical (read all about it here  Essentially this is an extension of the logic used to create the zoom link.


I'm pretty certain you don't need a specific add to iOS option.   You just need GCAL (google) and ICS (everything else).  




Level 3

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

If I have to send Reminder Emails for all of these events. Do I have to create Separate Smart Campaigns or else can I do everything in 1 Smart Campaign?

Since Each event is in different date.

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Velocity Token Value pull in

There are a few ways to skin that cat.

One would be to have a single smart campaign with all registrants in the audience, and wait steps to send each email on the right date (with a constraint to make sure the person was in that event).

The other is to set up <x> campaigns, one for each event, that is scheduled to fire <y> days before the event in question.


I'd probably go for the latter.  It's much clearer what is going on.