We run a flexible real estate site, LiquidSpace, and on it each location in our network has a unique venue guid, as in this location: https://liquidspace.com/managevenue/f7efe1cb-7ff3-4331-949f-5a0a590ed211/dashboard (in red is the unique venue guid)
If we set up a webhook on any url that contained at least liquidspace.com/managevenue, is there a way to pull the venue guid out of that url. Going to liquidspace.com/managevenue at any time will add the venue guid automatically for those that have valid locations.
Would greatly appreciate some insight on this one.
Best wishes,
Of course. The GUID is part of the pathname in this case, which means it's part of the {{Trigger.Web Page}} token that you can pass in the webhook payload if you trigger on a Visited Web Page activity.
Note the web session will have to be associated with a known lead at the time the webhook fires (this is contrary to the documentation).