Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

Level 2

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

It's currently live on our homepage.

It seems to be only occurring on Edge.

Lea Charnley
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

I still don't see it on the Edge and the menu doesn't close on its own for me as you mentioned in your previous comment (maybe I'm missing something)! To confirm, I hope you're referencing the drawer in the top bar (highlighted below), right?


I see the visitWebpage call made to Marketo confirming the Munchkin JS is getting loaded on the page.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

I can’t replicate anything in Edge.latest either.

Level 2

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

That's the mobile menu you're looking at. This seems to be specific to the desktop menu.Screenshot 2023-03-07 173616.jpg

Lea Charnley
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

I tested both and nothing was amiss. If you can take a screen recording maybe we can look for some particular misbehavior. But again, Munchkin listens for clicks. It doesn’t generate click events.

Level 2

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

For reasons we can't identify Munchkin was causing this to fire a second time, after our initial call:


 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {


We've mitigated it by adding a variable to detect the first load and only react to that.


Thanks for taking the time to try and assist


Lea Charnley
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

Munchkin doesn’t dispatch an additional DOMContentLoaded event. (In fact, it’s impossible for userland code to create a trusted DOMContentLoaded event, per decades-old security rules.)