Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

Level 2

Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2


We're having some issues deploying the Munchkin tracking code into our website as it's affecting our UI. We use the Bootstrap framework for lots of UI elements in the site, for example our main menu, which operates on click and is present on all pages in the site. We're finding that with the munchkin code deployed, the OnClick is firing twice and immediately closing the menu again.

Does anyone have any ideas how we might be able to resolve this?

Lea Charnley
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

I think it'd be best if you could provide the link to your page.


Level 2

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2 - the munchkin code is not currently live on there as it was causing the UI issue of the menu opening and collapsing again with one click.


Lea Charnley
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

Munchkin doesn’t fire click events. It passively listens for click events.


I loaded Munchkin on your site and couldn’t reproduce a problem with clicking. Please put up a page that demonstrates the problem if you want someone to look further.


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

Agreed with Sandy here! Munchkin doesn’t generate click events, they’re probably originating from somewhere else. Are you loading Munchkin via a tag management platform? If so, there could be other scripts getting loaded along with the Munchkin JS that might be generating click events.

Level 2

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

No - our dev added the code directly in the head of our site, not through GTM (which I would usually do). If you see our menu which opens on click. With the munchkin applied, the menu immediately closes again, and the log in button doesn't action. When we take the munchkin off, it works fine again. This seemed to be more prevalent in Edge than Chrome.


We're seeing this is DevTools.

MicrosoftTeams-image (6).png

Lea Charnley
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

I checked this by monitoring the click events in both cases (with and without loading Munchkin JS) on your webpage but didn't see a second click event getting triggered in any case when I clicked the Menu in the top nav bar. See the below snapshots:


Without Munchkin JS:


With Munchkin JS:


Are you able to share the URL of the page with Munchkin deployed?




Level 2

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

I've got in GTM on pause currently. I can unpause it for you to have a look. As I said, it seems to be a problem in Edge. I haven't seen the issue in Chrome.

Lea Charnley
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

We absolutely need a page with code you believe reproduces the problem.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Using Marketo Munchkin code with Bootstrap 5.2

I checked in the Edge as well but didn't see an extra click event.

@LeaCharnley wrote:

I've got in GTM on pause currently.

Sure that'd be great, @LeaCharnley! Thanks!