Use of custom activities | Possible APIs and restrictions

Level 4

Use of custom activities | Possible APIs and restrictions

Hi everyone, 
I'm currently concepting some of our custom tracking activities and wondered about how we can realize this the best way. From what I read "custom activites" would be a possibility BUT I'm not quite sure if they are really usable. 

Can custom activities be written by JS API as well or just by REST API? 
Basically I'd assume that a Munchkin Lead Tracking should offer this possibility but from the documentation I didn't have the impression that this isn't possible. 

Do you see any restrictions we have to consider?
Don't like to settle on a technology which we can't use at the end due to e. g. limitation to REST API and it's limit of 50k calls per day. 

As one of our use cases we like to track some usere interactions with our non-marketo website. Like Downloads or sending non-marketo contact forms. This kind of interactions should be used for lead scoring later on. 

Kind regards

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Use of custom activities | Possible APIs and restrictions

Via REST API only, not the Munchkin API (or any client-side API).


It’s not feasible to use Custom Activities to log unlimited end-user activities in real time, since you’ll run out of API calls. If you can gather them on your back end and batch them, that’s a different story.


I only write CAs in real time when there can be a firm limit enforced due to the nature of the activity. For example, if you typically get 50-100 new account signups a day you could place a hard limit of 5000 in your app to have lots of headroom while keeping your other integrations running.



Level 5

Re: Use of custom activities | Possible APIs and restrictions

Agreed and good points.


If there are specific custom activities you’d like to track that align generally to clicked link on web page or visited webpage, just trigger that to fire with the clicked url = a nice mkto user friendly output, followed by a query string with clearly delineated standardized parameters and values you define ie:

— Video - Viewed 50% — (website/Video URL) — ?&type=video&action=viewed&actiondetail=50%&


You can then us the clicked link on webpage and query contains to get super specific without creating net new custom activities.


Works well with GTM. Have a look at munchkin api activity documentation.


(typing on mobile - please excuse any typos)



Level 4

Re: Use of custom activities | Possible APIs and restrictions

Hi David, 
great thank you. Thants a good Idea. I'll do a deep dive into this. 

Kind Regards

Level 4

Re: Use of custom activities | Possible APIs and restrictions

Hi @SanfordWhiteman 
Thanks a lot. You're the best.
So it seems like custom actitivies aren't the solution for us. In that case it seems as I have to focus link clicks and other actitivies. 

Kind regards