Upload image / doc file in Marketo form 2.0?

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Upload image / doc file in Marketo form 2.0?



Is there a way to upload an image / doc file in Marekto form 2.0? The request is to use the Market form, upload images / doc and the same should be uploaded in marekto database, which will be used in confirmation mail(the confirmation mail need to have the image / doc link)

Kindly let us know if there is a way to implement this?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Upload image / doc file in Marketo form 2.0?

Please search the Community -- answered many times. Filtering search results by my account will show you the threads you need.

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Re: Upload image / doc file in Marketo form 2.0?

Hi Sanfrod,

Yes I did check, and some of the past posts were like involving a widget or tool (where the uploaded image or file, would be uploaded in their server and not in marketo)

Ex, in reference to this link HOWTO: Attach images to a Forms 2.0 form post, solution seem to be File Upload Field - Uploadcare, where the file/images get uploaded in Uploadcare. And its limitation of free version Pricing — Uploadcare .

All I need to know is, is there any API or something to upload files / images in "Images / Files" under Design Studio in marketo? That makes a difference!

Let me know on any comments. Thanks!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Upload image / doc file in Marketo form 2.0?

Marketo forms can't post images to the Design Studio Asset Library! And this is a very good thing because otherwise you'd have a public form with which anyone could overwrite your corporate assets. That would be terrible.

I don't understand why you think you need these files in Design Studio. If you have an UploadCare URL in a lead field, that's a {{lead.token}} to include in the follow-up email.

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Re: Upload image / doc file in Marketo form 2.0?

Hi Sanford,

Thanks for confirming Marketo forms can't post images to the Design Studio Asset Library!

It was related to recruitment info about the company and hence had an idea of having assets in marketo itself.

Thanks. Resolved.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Upload image / doc file in Marketo form 2.0?

You could do that easily using UploadCare.