Unwanted $ in front of the Token

Level 2

Unwanted $ in front of the Token

I have my token " {{my.SideBar_Headline}}" in the email with the html of <p>{{my.SideBar_Headline}}</p>.  In the preview it looks fine but it is generating in the sample as:sidebar_Token_issue.PNG

Why is it doing this. I used this template a few days ago with no issues and now all of a sudden starting on Friday it is doing this.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

If that's a Velocity token, you can't use Send Sample to test it. Use a real email.

Level 2

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

Thanks but in this case. I do not want the $ and did not program it there. It just is showing up instead of the token text.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

If it's there in Send Sample... then you shouldn't be using Send Sample (as is well-known with Velocity tokens). Why would you expect it to look "right" in a context where it's known to not work? I don't understand.

Level 2

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

So this was an different issue. I am not using an velocity token with this.

The token I am using is {{my.SideBar_Headline}} but the email sample is generating  sidebar_Token_issue.PNG

and it should be displaying like this which is what the preview looks like. Sidebar_Shouldbe.PNG

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

And the token exists in the program hierarchy where the email asset is located?

Level 2

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

Yes it does. it is in the same program in the list of My tokens. I inserted it with the html editor and manually coded it into HTML and it does it both times.

Level 2

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

So here is the strangest thing. After fighting this for 2 days. It now is not duplicating the error anymore. So frustrating. I have not done anything to the token or email so I have no idea how it is fixed or what was wrong to begin with.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

Well, FWIW I never use Send Sample anymore because its capabilities are not only limited, but the limitations seem to differ by instance/pod! It's fine for testing design, but for non-hard-coded content there's too much retesting with a real email, so I just use a real email from the start.

Level 2

Re: Unwanted $ in front of the Token

Thanks I appreciate all your help!!