Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

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Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC


Have any other SFDC / Marketo users found that SFDC is reversing unsubscribe information and then overwriting the Marketo values?

I'm having a problem where someone will unsubscribe, things will be perfectly updated in Marketo, Marketo will sync with SFDC, and SalesForce will then reverse the unsubscribe. (SERIOUSLY?! Yeah, I know.) 

Has anybody else had this problem? Marketo support could only tell me it's got to be resolved on the SalesForce side, and my SFDC admin can't figure it out.

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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

Trying to remember what we ended up doing, this happened to me about two years ago..what does the field permission look like for the api user?

Is it visible and read-only or just read-only? Try starting there. 
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

Hi Laura,

Did you find a solution to your issue? We are currently facing a similar problem and we are stuck. We were told to check the field permissions for the Salesforce Sync user and to take a look at our SFDC workflows. Our SFDC admin took a look at both but couldn't figure it out.

Please let me know if you have luck on your end. Thanks!
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

Timothy, the field permission is read-only and visible for all SFDC user profiles. If you can remember how you solved it, I'd love to know so I can get this fixed!

Andrew, I haven't been able to get this resolved yet...SalesForce's support team is looking at it, but they haven't made any progress yet. I'm supposed to hear back from them today, and I'll post any progress/ideas/etc they have.
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

If the field is read-only, to my knowledge, you won't be able to edit the field. This causes SalesForce to block updates from Marketo and revert yoru lead back to subscribed. 

Test this out and make sure you do this for your API user's profile. 
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

Timothy is correct, if a field is read only to the API User the update will not occur. Did that fix the problem?

If not, do you have any other integrations with Salesforce? We had an issue where another vendor would update at midnight, reverting everything that was done throughout the day.
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

Ah! I bet that's what's happening!! I'll try it and let you know - thank you!!!!!

Joe, we do have a few other integrations with SalesForce, but none that should be updating that field.

....and Nope. The Marketo / SFDC user profile has read/write access to the Email Opt-out field.
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

When does the sync revert the unsubscribe, immediately or does time pass before it reverts? Does the change ever make it into Salesforce (could a workflow be triggering)?
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

We're in a similiar position. The user profile has read/write access to the opt out field. We looked into our workflows to see if that was the issue but it doesn't look like it is. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the SFDC sync to revert the unsubscribe.
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Re: Unsubscribe rewriting by SFDC

I've looked at a few of them...they're all happening right away for me. Someone will unsubscribe, and within 10-15 minutes, that info is synced over to SFDC (odd, b/c I thought the sync was usually every 5 minutes). Then, Marketo will sync with SFDC, and the very next line will show (at the same time) a Change Data Value for the unsubscribe field - from True to False. When I called Marketo Support, they said the change was coming over from SalesForce when Marketo was trying to update the SalesForce data. 

So it doesn't seem to me that a workflow could be triggering it, but I've asked my SFDC admin to look at that again. A workflow wouldn't work that quickly, right?