unsubscribe emails

Level 2

unsubscribe emails

How to unsubscribe emails bulk wise

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: unsubscribe emails

Sounds like you want a Batch Campaign » Flow » Change Data Value Unsubscribed = true.

The more detail you provide in your posts, the more we will be able to help (asking complete questions is preferred).

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: unsubscribe emails

It would depend on how you have identified all the emails that you want to unsubscribe. 

If you have a list of email addresses you want to unsubscribe and they are already in your marketo system, you can identify then in a smart list or import them in a static list and perform a single flow action and set unsubscribe to true.

If you are selecting the emails via some filter criteria, you can do so in a smart list i.e., member of program is tradeshow, or member of static list, or country is not USA, and perform a single flow action and set unsubscribe = true.