Re: Unsubscribe Automation

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Unsubscribe Automation

Is there any way to automatically set leads to unsubscribed? Currently, when an email campaign is sent out and we get an unsubscribed notification for a lead, someone from our team must manually go in and check that lead as unsubscribed in their profile. I was curious to know if there was a way to save a few extra steps by automation!

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Unsubscribe Automation


Marketo emails default to automating this process. Have you disabled the built in unsubscribe page?

I've written about this in detail here:
and in my Guide.

Marketo definitely lets you do this. I highly recommend setting up a simple unsubscribe page to automate your current process, then develop a subscription management systems so you can avoid total unsubs.
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Re: Unsubscribe Automation

Definitely do not need to do anything manual with this process. Josh's docs are usually all the info you need, but if for some reason you're stuck anywhere let us know your specific questions. 
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Re: Unsubscribe Automation

Thanks Guys! I will most definitly looks over the artilcle Josh posted. In terms of knowing if the automation process was disabled, where is that information located within Marketo? We are using a Marketo unsubscribe page that requires only an email address to be enterd...but the automation of unsubscribing from that page does not exist.

Thanks again for the quick response.
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Re: Unsubscribe Automation

Hi Robert - I'm struggling a bit with your terminology asking how the automation can be turned off. Automation isn't a switch in Marketo, automation is Marketo. The only way to turn off automation is to log off the application. Everything is automation. 

In your specific example, you want help with the Unsubcribe logic.

You have a page, on which is a form, with only the field email address visible. But on that form is also a hidden field, Unsubcribed which should be set to the value of true. When someone confirms their email address, the form itself automatically passes the value of unsubscribed=true to the database, and the person is unsubscribed. That's the easiest way.

You could also write a smart campaign, when the form, unsubcribed is filled out, then unsubscribed=true. But I think that's sloppier. 

Does that perhaps help? Nothing is turned off. You just might be missing the hidden field. 
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Re: Unsubscribe Automation

Hi Robert - I'm struggling a bit with your terminology asking how the automation can be turned off. Automation isn't a switch in Marketo, automation is Marketo. The only way to turn off automation is to log off the application. Everything is automation. 

In your specific example, you want help with the Unsubcribe logic.

You have a page, on which is a form, with only the field email address visible. But on that form is also a hidden field, Unsubcribed which should be set to the value of true. When someone confirms their email address, the form itself automatically passes the value of unsubscribed=true to the database, and the person is unsubscribed. That's the easiest way.

You could also write a smart campaign, when the form, unsubcribed is filled out, then unsubscribed=true. But I think that's sloppier. 

Does that perhaps help? Nothing is turned off. You just might be missing the hidden field. 
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Re: Unsubscribe Automation

Thanks Marketo G,

The Unsubscribe Logic is exactly what I am looking for. When i mentioned seeing if the automation was active I guess I was actually wanting to see if the logic was set in plcae. Thanks again!
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Re: Unsubscribe Automation

It appears we have a hidden field already on the form with a value set to yes. I would think that this should then automatically unsubscribe a lead. However, as I mentioned before it's not the case.

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Re: Unsubscribe Automation

Ok Robert - What are you looking to then happen? Can you provide the link to this unsubscribe page? Because if someone fills out this form, you're saying when you then look at them in the system their value of unsubcribed=false?  Or you're looking for an email alert to be sent to the lead owner, or you're looking for scoring or status changes? I don't know yet what is "broken" here. 

Ah. I discovered it. Yes/No is not the same thing as True/False. Change your values into true/false and your default hidden field value to True. 1/0 and true/false are the same, but yes/no doesn't mean something inherient to the system.