Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

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Re: Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

This is the unsubscribe link when McAfee does not intercept it....


The approved page link is the same as the URL listed on the landing page: http://pages.wennsoft.com/UnsubscribePage.html

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

To be clear, is that the actual link within the email, or is it the link after it bounces off your branding domain?

I want to see the URL with the branding domain in it (click.wennsoft.com or whatever domain you're using).

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Re: Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

This one?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

Yes.  Just to be absolutely sure, does that link have an "http://" in front of it if you look at the raw body of the the email?  Can you post a screenshot of it, or even send me a copy at sandy@figureone.com?

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Re: Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

No there is no http in front of it. I sent you a sample send of the email.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

OK Emily, I got the sample email (though I should mention it was in my hosted spam provider's quarantine).

Anyway, the URL to go.wennsoft.com does have an http:// in front of it (which is good, otherwise it wouldn't work) and it functions well for me.

However, I looked a little deeper to see why other leads might not be able to find the domain when they click.  I noted that the DNS servers for wennsoft.com are also open recursive servers. If you're familiar with the idea of an "open proxy" for web browser use, this is basically the equivalent for DNS traffic.   It means anyone can send requests to your DNS servers for any domain (as opposed to only for wennsoft.com).  You should really, really have your IT staff look into this, because (a) it presents a security vulnerability in that a malicious attacker could potentially make your DNS server send falsified records for go.wennsoft.com (or www.wennsoft.com, too), using a method called DNS cache poisoning; and (b) perhaps more important, it creates the appearance of impropriety because open DNS servers are more likely to be used by spammers, scammers, or simply non-professional organizations.

I'm not saying conclusively that open DNS servers are the direct cause of your current issue -- but since you're looking for answers, I can't ignore the fact that your DNS setup is easily picked out as brokenYou need to eliminate this possible factor as soon as possible.

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Re: Unsubcribe Link Isn't Working

Thanks Sanford, I will send this message to IT and see what they come back with... I appreciate your help.