Unique promo code per email

Level 1

Unique promo code per email

We recently had an event where we handed out a unique promo code per person. We would like to send an email with the person's promo code in the email to them. How can I accomplish this?

Level 5

Re: Unique promo code per email

Tokens! You'll need a field in the database to hold your promo codes (could be a dedicated field or a "flex field"). You'll import the list of those people into a static list in your email program and map the promo code field in the file to whatever field in the database you are going to use to hold that information. Then when you build your email insert the token associated to the field you selected wherever you want the promo code to appear. 

Level 1

Re: Unique promo code per email

Thanks Tracey. Any chance you could give me an example of a Token?

Level 5

Re: Unique promo code per email