Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

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Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Sanford Whiteman​ WOW this may be the form issue i've been experiencing all along!!!

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Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

All of ours are still blocked - finally know why some people were complaining our site is useless

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

I'd try the CNAME method, as your domain is not going to be in those public databases.  Note you need to load everything from your CNAME, including forms2.js -- obvs. that has to load first for the form to load.

I don't know if these products do reverse DNS lookups or IP-based blocking.  If they do, you're going to have to route through another IP.

Level 4

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Marketo really needs to address this issue

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Yeah, but how could they, really? If the intent of a plugin is to spare the end user any interaction with services known to track leads, it stands to reason that Marketo forms qualify.

Even though I've openly encouraged the use of the CNAME, that workaround is ethically unclear. You're circumventing what might be the end user's desired behavior. Just like running Munchkin on your own hostname, it absolutely works, but it may still be violating the end user's wishes.

Granted, posting forms is not itself the same as tracking (which is absolutely true) but that doesn't mean the end user cares about the difference, y'know?

Level 4

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Marketo either needs to be proactive with the 3rd party ad blockers OR needs to be ahead of the curve in the technology realm.  Their entire business model is based on the ability to track customers and automate marketing actions accordingly.  If they can no longer track users, they are broken and done.  So they need to be offering solutions.  Not deflecting responsibility.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

So they should be able to track users who have anti-tracking plugins enabled? No.

Level 4

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

No.  But Marketo can't simple say "nothing we can do".  They need to be leaders in the market not reactors.  If this means seeing the "tracking" writing on the wall, and changing tactics and best practice and changing the way their system works then they need to do that.  But to simple say well none of our forms work if customers have tracking blockers in their browsers is incredibly passive and not responsive to the needs of their customers.  I simply expect Marketo to lead.  Not pass on the issue

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

This is very similar to the GDPR regulation.  Being able to track, store, process and communicate with customers/prospects is going to be much more limited to what we've been accustomed to - unless we have the appropriate consent.  Will this diminish the value that marketing platforms like Marketo are able to provide.  Probably - at least in the short-term.   But over time, this will bring opportunities like improved customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, improved brand perception and increased customer engagement.  Why?  Because we're now dealing with a sub-set of the traditional audiences - specifically those that want to have a relationship with our brands.  On their own terms.  Ultimately, this could make us all better marketers.

Level 4

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

I totally agree with your thoughts Dan, but Marketo needs to be the leader in this move to Utopian relationship between customers and marketers.  They can not sit back and continue to say "we don't deal with 3rd party tools"  They need to lead in the market and make sure their tools don't break when pretty clear trends in both customer preference and regulation come to fruition.  They need to proactively communicate to marketers and users of their platform that this is the risk and this is how to mitigate the risk and how to better plan and build your campaigns.  I expect Marketo to be the leaders in this space and all of the answers I have seen from them in this forum across all the discussions basically boils down to "WE PUNT".  I find that unacceptable.