Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Not applicable

uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Is anyone else having this issue? The ad blocker UBlock has recently been blocking our Marketo forms (whether embedded or not). I reached out to Marketo support and they said they do not deal with 3rd party issues but this seems like a huge problem for all Marketo customers. Anyone else experiencing this problem? Or feel like testing it on their end?

We have found that PC users do not have the form blocked, just MAC users.

If you are having the same issue I encourage you to open a case with Marketo Support.

Marketo Employee

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

On your form embed code, you can swap out the '//app-****' in the loadForm call with '//<your landing page domain>' which should remediate this issue.

Not applicable

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Hi Kenny,

Our web developer tried this and the form is still blocked by UBlock. Any other suggestions?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

If Marketo's well-known domains are blocked, that's not something they can remedy.  You can switch to using all custom CNAMEs for your assets and that can help in these cases.

Not applicable

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Hi Sanford,

Several of our landing pages have custom CNAMEs. I have visited a few other company sites that use Marketo forms and their forms are blocked as well. Any other suggestions?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Post the URL of the form and I'll take a look. The CNAME trick can be easily foiled by an in-depth check, of course. You can route around just about anything like this (say, by going through a non-Marketo IP) but at a certain point there are diminishing returns.

Not applicable

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

uBlock sent me to Easy List who got Marketo whitelisted. All our embed forms are now working when the ad blocker is turned on.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Good news! But is still on EasyList-Privacy and is still on EasyList-Tracking. I guess they realized they had misclassified, but anyone who uses those auxiliary lists is going to have problems.

Not applicable

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Do those host forms as well? I could reach out to EasyList again to request that they whitelist those. I am very surprised that Marketo Support isn't handling this . . . maybe I should start charging them for my time.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: uBlock blocking all Marketo Forms from Mac computers

Those are more for Munchkin, but of course there are interrelationships.