I'm trying to build a program that does the following:
1. Inside rep is sent an alert on that lead.
2. Alert contains a list of options links to a landing page http://landingpage.com/landingpage.html?option1=A&option2=B
3. Inside rep clicks on the link
4. Form on the landing page confirms that the rep selected "A" for Option 1 and "B" for Option 2.
5. Click submit and write the values to the lead record.
I'm able to build the email with the link but since the email is sent as an alert the email is not personalized so I'm not pulling in the lead's info.
So if I attach a parameter that identifies the lead to the URL, how would I then update that lead record?
I'm assuming I may need Velocity or Javascript. Can someone with in depth knowledge help point me in the right direction?
Robb Barrett