I'm having troubles tracking individual responses between getfeedback and Marketo. The minimum connection I need is to know who completed a survey so we can score and segment our prospects. I opened a case and tried many attempts myself but none works. This is the article they provided https://help.getfeedback.com/customer/portal/articles/1310917-attributing-responses-to-a-specific-in...
Has anyone successfully solve this? Any suggestions on workarounds?
I am going to create a getfeedback custom object (was trying to avoid this), and create a custom field in Marketo that pulls Salesforce Lead ID. Then use that field as a token, and see what's next from there.
Thank you,
Your goals aren't exactly clear. The article they provided explains how to, in essence, prefill fields on a GetFeedback form. In Marketo you'd do it like this:
http://www.getfeedback.com/r/OwngxVZI/?Email={{Lead.Email Address}}
or with the Lead ID
You need to explain every other part of your plan -- "I am going to create a GetFeedback CO" isn't telling us why or how you arrived at this conclusion.
Sorry I wasn't clear enough in my message. I hope below provides more helpful details:
What I have tried:
http://www.getfeedback.com/r/OwngxVZI/?Email={{Lead.Email Address}}. And I did go through the process of opening the emai;, clicking on the button, opening the getfeedback survey on getfeedback, completing the survey, and filling out the last question which asked for the lead's email address.
What didn't happen:
On why I came to the conclusion of creating a getfeedback CO on Salesforce - it's one of the suggestions from getfeedback. Although it's not clear it is an absolute step to make the activity log appeared in Marketo. I am going to give it a try.
Thank you,
Hi Eunice,
If you're running surveys and you need to track answers in Marketo maybe Survicate would be the good alternative for you, since it has direct integration with Marketo and is the official Marketo's LaunchPoint partner. Scoring and segmenting your prospects would be easier. You can see your survey feedback in context with your prospect and customer data. There are also other survey tools with direct Marketo integration - check out LaunchPoint.