I've been experimenting Sanford Whiteman's MktoForms2 :: Override Field Order in order to put our opt-in fields below the PP fields & submit button.
I'm no developer, yet I managed something out with the tool:
Problem is, there is not enough space between the submit button and the first optin field and I have no idea how to do that in javascript. I tried \n, \r and <br> but it's a no go.
Here is the code I'm using on my test LP:
<script id="teknklFormsPlus-tag-0.2.2" jive-link-external-small" href="https://nation.marketo.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdpn-dl.figureone.com%2Ffigureone%2Fpen%2Fa3c396bb7fa83d263f64bc94a798e232.js" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://cdpn-dl.figureone.com/figureone/pen/a3c396bb7fa83d263f64bc94a798e232.js"></script>
<script id="teknklFormsPlus-reorder-0.2.3" jive-link-external-small" href="https://nation.marketo.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdpn-dl.figureone.com%2Ffigureone%2Fpen%2Ffc4152ec0c836523c4dcc471a87b1334.js" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://cdpn-dl.figureone.com/figureone/pen/fc4152ec0c836523c4dcc471a87b1334.js"></script>
MktoForms2.whenRendered(function(form) {
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],
submitButtonRow = formEl.querySelector(".mktoButtonRow");
var fieldOrder = [
FormsPlus.reorderFields(form, fieldOrder);
// var fieldOrder = ["ArchiveMarketoLastDT__c","FirstName","Email","LastName"];
// FormsPlus.reorderFields(form, fieldOrder);
// var fieldOrder = [submitButtonRow, "FirstName", "Email","Website"];
// FormsPlus.reorderFields(form, fieldOrder);
// FormsPlus.reorderFields(form, [], true);
Also, the live result: http://go.comap-group.com/TESTWebinarSS1_LP-Webinar1.html
Thanks for the tips you will be providing!
Solved! Go to Solution.
You just need to manage the margins for the .mktoRow elements, e.g.:
.mktoFormRow[data-wrapper-for="consenttoProcessing"] {
margin-top: 20px;
Let's not call this "Trouble with the fields repositioning tool" though. The code for repositioning is working fine. It's natural that you might have to add some styling to the form to reflect the new positions in the DOM.
Please edit your post and use the Advanced Editor's syntax highlighter to highlight your code as JavaScript. Otherwise it's nearly impossible to read. (You also left the commented-out lines in there, which is confusing.)
Looking at your page, you aren't actually loading the FormsPlus libraries successfully, because you're trying to hotlink to them from the demo servers:
You need to either
[a] upload those files onto your own server and point to the URLs.
[b] load from my CDN (https://cdpn-js.figureone.com/teknkl-formsplus-tag-0.2.2.js , https://cdpn-js.figureone.com/teknkl-formsplus-reorder-0.2.3.js)
Woops, sorry about that...
I temporarily changed the URLs to the ones from your CDN, I'm not getting errors in the console anymore but I still have the same issue.
I see the same 412 errors. Did you create a new page?
I fixed it, you should see the JS triggering. I'm having 200 response status on both .js file.
You just need to manage the margins for the .mktoRow elements, e.g.:
.mktoFormRow[data-wrapper-for="consenttoProcessing"] {
margin-top: 20px;
Let's not call this "Trouble with the fields repositioning tool" though. The code for repositioning is working fine. It's natural that you might have to add some styling to the form to reflect the new positions in the DOM.
Thank you Sanford, it worked.