Re: Triggered 5 Email Campaign that takes lead out once they convert

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Triggered 5 Email Campaign that takes lead out once they convert

We are putting together an email campaign that sends a series of 5 emails after they fill out a form.  Along the way we want to pull the Lead out of the series once they convert.

The 5 emails are:
1. An Immediate Thank You Email
2. 7 Days After Filling out Form
3. 14 Days After Filling out Form
4. 21 Days After Filling out Form
5. 45 Days After Filling out Form

(If they convert in the middle of this series, we don't want them to receive the remaining emails)

We Currently Have this Smart Campaign Set up:


Fills Out Form - Form Name "is" ABC

1. Send Email
2. Wait 7 Days
3. Send Email
4. Wait 7 Days
5. Send Email
6. Wait 7 Days
7. Send Email
8. Wait 14 Days
9. Send Email

What do we need to have set up so it looks to see if the Lead has converted before every email is sent?

Thanks you.

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Re: Triggered 5 Email Campaign that takes lead out once they convert

You can do a few different things.  What is the action that converts the lead?  You can have a campaign listening for that activity and then you can remove them from the flow of this campaign once they convert. Another option would be to include an add choice on each email to ensure you are only sending to those leads that have not yet converted.