Trying this token for the first time and I'm trying to collect an interesting moment in an alert email, for a clicked link, on a dynamic email.
Everything else seems to be working correctly except this token {{trigger.Subject}}. It seems it is only populating the default subject line and not the subject line the person actually got when it was dynamically populated. I double checked the email and it in fact has a different subject line from the default and I know the email version they got was correct because of the links they are clicking on.
Does not work with dynamic subjects? Am I using it wrong?
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Duane,
I would not be surprised that it does not render dynamic subject but only the default one. Rendering the dynamic subject would mean capturing it when the email is sent, while rendering the default one just require to extract it from the email when the token is needed. 2 very different implementations...
Worth and Idea, I'll vote for it.
Yeah, I get it would be two different implementations, just a shame it would not work correctly for dynamic emails which is a large part of what we do. Will be confusing for our sales agents.
Thanks Greg.
Only workaround for this that I know of is using dynamic content for your links as well and appending comment-type data to the hash.
So the link becomes That full link will then appear in {{Trigger.Link}}. It ain't pretty, but it's more informative than always seeing the default.
Thanks Sanford. I may give that a shot but when I sit back and think of the volume of emails we will be sending, that's a lot of extra editing. I guess I'll post it in the idea section and remove the subject token from the alert emails.
Thanks again!