Trigger on Query String Contains Program ID

Level 2

Trigger on Query String Contains Program ID

Is it possible to create a trigger for [Fills Out Form] with a [Querystring] constraint that if the query string contains {{}}? Or do triggers have trouble activating based on fields and tokens? I tested this a few ways to Sunday with no activation of the trigger and I'm starting to think that {{}} doesn't populate in time or at all for the trigger to activate but, I wanted to confirm if I've missed a process or solution to make this work as intended.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger on Query String Contains Program ID

{{}} is an inherent property of the Program. It's always available, there's no race condition like what you're describing.

The cause is far broader: you can never compare field values with tokens in a Smart List. The only way to do what you're attempting here is with the assistance of a webhook-compatible service that can compare the values you send in the payload.

(Though if your goal is to associate a global form fillout with a program based on a query param, and you have such a service, you don't need to worry about the comparison. Just have the service add the person to the program with that ID.)