Re: Trigger on First Link Clicked in Email

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Level 1

Trigger on First Link Clicked in Email

The team has been asked to send an email based on the first link that a user clicked in an email. Example:

  1. We send the email with 4 links (A,B,C,D)
  2. User clicks link A first
  3. User clicks link B second
  4. We only send them email connected with Link A

We attempted using a combination of smart lists, smart campaigns with triggers, etc. but with no luck. Has anyone successfully set up a triggered email based on first link clicked in email?


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger on First Link Clicked in Email

Has anyone successfully set up a triggered email based on first link clicked in email?

You can have a trigger SC that is set to qualify people only once and triggers only on a single email.


But I would be very wary of treating clicked links as if they were clicked by humans. That simply isn’t the case as mail scanners will pre-follow your tracked links.

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trigger on First Link Clicked in Email

Has anyone successfully set up a triggered email based on first link clicked in email?

You can have a trigger SC that is set to qualify people only once and triggers only on a single email.


But I would be very wary of treating clicked links as if they were clicked by humans. That simply isn’t the case as mail scanners will pre-follow your tracked links.

Level 1

Re: Trigger on First Link Clicked in Email

That's exactly what we ended up saying back to the stakeholder - bots make everything fun, huh? 


A thought to mitigate bots was do do something where you qualify them the way you noted, then maybe do a "wait 1m", remove from program if clicked on social links (bc odds of a human actually clicking those is low), then moving forward. Didn't end up trying it this time, but might be worth a shot on future ones.