Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

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Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

If an existing lead in our database checks an Opt-In box on a form (setting Opt-In to True), how can I populate an Opt-In Source field with the name of the LP?

I can see it in the Reason field in the "Change Data Value" activity in the activity log but cannot figure out who to pull this information out in, say, a token.


I.e., here's what I have in mind:

Smart List Trigger: Data Value Changes->Opt-In


- New Value->True

- Source->Web form fillout


Change Data Value->Attribute->Opt-In Reason

New Value = {{Token that Captures the info in that Change Data Value Reason Field}}

Is there some way to do that?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

{{Trigger.Web Page}} is the URL of the page hosting the form.

Not applicable

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

I tried that and got an invalid trigger error. Perhaps I'll try again.

Not applicable

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

Tried it again in case I had somehow input the token incorrectly but no - that doesn't work. Marketo says the token is invalid. And the only options that populate automatically in the flow step are {{}} which populates as "Opt-in" and {{trigger.trigger name}}, which populates as "Change Data Value."

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

{{Trigger.Web Page}} only makes sense if the trigger is Fills Out Form. That's where you use it.

Not applicable

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

Right. I need something that will work with Data Value Changes. Because with Fills Out Form I don't know if that's how Opt-In came to be changed to true. In other words, ideally I'd want a feature Marketo doesn't offer - which would be Filled Out Form->Changed Field on Form to->value. Do you have another way that you would recommend? For CASL and other opt-in country laws, I'm looking for a means of populating Opt-In Source with the name of the page with the form where they opted in.

(Is there no way to capture the data in that "reason" field inside the Data Value Changes activity from a Smart List?)

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

The first time you trigger on Fills Out Form, Opt-In is true, and the Opt-In Source is empty, then by extension {{Trigger.Web Page}} is the source of the current value.

There are other ways to do it as well, but why not this setup?

Not applicable

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

Yes,you're right. That would work. And it has the added advantage of working if the form fill is the method by which the lead comes into the database (where there is no Data Value Changes activity).

Thanks, Sandy!

Not applicable

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

Denise and Sanford,

That wouldn't work if a lead has already an opt-in value of true. How can you differentiate that the opt-in was from that form? For old records, what if a lead had previously opt-in from another source and has an empty opt-in source value? You would incorrectly assume that the opt-in came from filling out the form.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking Opt-In Source (LP Name)

Well, you're changing the parameters of the question, so it has a different answer.

Why would the lead not have an opt-in source value in your scenario, yet have previously opted in? That sounds like bad design and a contrived exception.