Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

We're running an internal contest to allow anyone in the company to submit leads for potential opportunities they may be aware of (e.g., when working at a client site, our consultants may uncover a lead and get it submitted).  We've created a landing page that includes a form to capture the employee's information (custom fields: name, email, function, etc.) as well as the key lead data (name, email, company, opportunity detail, etc.).  One of the key metrics that we want to report on is the number of leads submitted by each employee (for creating things like leaderboards).   However, we're running up against two issues:

  1. If/when a different employee submits the same lead for a different opportunity later on in the year. The first employee's data within the lead record will be overwritten by the recent employee who submitted the lead.
  2. If/when the same employee submits the same lead for a different opportunity later on in the year.  When running a simple report, it will only show that the employee submitted a single lead, regardless of the number of leads they may have submitted.

While we are capturing the date, employee email and opportunity detail in a history field each time a lead is submitted, it doesn't help from a reporting perspective.

Any suggestions - aside from using a separate data warehouse or a custom object - on how to accurately run a report that will count the number of leads submitted by each employee?

Here's the lead submission form (which is, of course, a non-trackable form to allow employees to submit leads on behalf of the actual lead):


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

Our more complex referral forms do this by posting twice: once for the new lead (referral) and then once for the referrer. This allows you to increment a score field on the referrer (or do anything else with the record).

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

I found these two threads below - do you have a demo posted anywhere with code?

Creating two records (leads) from one form - Referral Program

Re: Referral Form Best Practice

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

Don't think I have a specific demo of it. I'll DM you one of the live examples.

Level 2

Re: Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

Are these intentional duplicate leads? Bob submits Lead A then Mike later comes back and submits Lead A again, it creates a duplicate of Lead A? It seems like maybe the language above is equating Leads with submissions...

If not, what about writing a SF activity for each form submission to save it and all the details the rep submitted in the comments field. Be sure to assign it to a user where no one can modify the tasks. Would recommend putting the submitting reps name in the Subject "Q4 Contest Lead Submission by {{Bob Smith}}" so it's easy to run number of submissions by rep in SF.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

Seems off-kilter to not have a referral record related directly with the referrer.  You could use an SFDC Activity as you describe to create a formal many-to-one relationship, but have it relate to the referrer, not stand alone. 

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Tracking lead submissions against the same lead

While there can be multiple leads resulting from multiple referrals, the record itself stays unique in Marketo (no duplicates).  For example, if someone submits a fresh new lead (not in Marketo) today and then someone else submits one next month, a new record will not be created.  But a new alert to represent another lead/potential opportunity (with the new detail synced to CRM) will be sent to marketing and re-assigned to sales for follow-up.

BTW, we're not on SFDC (our CRM is MS Dynamics).

Sanford Whiteman​, FYI, we now have this working by using a webhook to create/update the referral record each time these are submitted.  I realize this probably won't be sustainable given that we're using "localhost" within the endpoint URL (http://localhost/index.php/leadCapture/save).  So next step is to eventually use the approach you recommended with the additional form submit (using the forms 2.0 api).