Re: Today I had 10 steps of a SC disappear

Marketo Employee

Today I had 10 steps of a SC disappear

Strangest - scary thing happened today.

I was editing a SC. Just wanted to add in an extra line in one of the Notes fields. I edited the section by typing in a token name. I then jumped out of the SC to the Program to make sure I had the token name correct and went back into my SC and 10 of the 12 steps were gone.  Just, gone. So I jumped out of the SC and back in, I refreshed, I logged out, shut my browser went back and it was all gone.  Last edited by me at the time everything just disappeared.

This was on a live campaign. A very active one.

Anyone else ever have anything like this happen?

Robb Barrett
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Today I had 10 steps of a SC disappear

Not quite, but if you don't let it auto save fully before clicking out, it will often have errors. remember to always click in the gray area before checking things like that.

I'd log it with support because I've never seen it clear out an existing flows like that.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Today I had 10 steps of a SC disappear

And if you ever received this warning, it means that the asset has not auto-saved yet.  Always select "stay on this page" and wait for the asset to auto-save with the current time-stamp.


I doubt that's what happened here since Marketo would have at least auto-saved some of those flow steps (if they were new).  Sounds like a completely separate issue here, Robb.

Marketo Employee

Re: Today I had 10 steps of a SC disappear

Yeah, thanks for the input but none of that was the case.  This was a mature workflow. 10/12 steps just went away. I had a co-worker on WebEx who saw it too.

Robb Barrett